HealthItchy Breasts? Understanding The Causes & Possible Treatments For This Symptom

Itchy Breasts? Understanding The Causes & Possible Treatments For This Symptom

Itchy breasts are quite common, more so when it is because of rashes. However, there are several other reasons why it may occur, making it difficult to diagnose the root cause of it. Although mostly they are harmless, they can also indicate the presence of underlying health conditions, which may become fatal if not treated in time. 

8 Critical Causes & Symptoms Of Itchy Breasts

What Could Be The Cause Of Itchy Breasts? Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Let’s discuss itchy breast symptoms and causes below:

1. Dry Skin

Dry skin on the breast may be a fallout of cold weather conditions or because you’re dehydrated. Or, because your skin is naturally dry. When your dry skin is the primary cause behind your itchy boobs, you will feel itchy in other parts of your body as well. What causes itchy breasts? Dry skin is just one reason behind it.

2. Dermatitis

This is caused due to skin inflammation, triggered by an allergic reaction to an element that your skin has been exposed to. However, at times, it can happen without a trigger. Detergents, new clothes, shampoos, lotions, and perfumes are some examples of this. You can prevent this from happening by using skin and hair care products that are specifically made for sensitive skin, or ingredients used in certain perfumes and hair dyes. That apart, the bible in underwired bras may also make your breasts itch. Individuals with atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema, may also experience itchiness without any triggers, as a result of hay fever or asthma.

3. Breastfeeding

Among breastfeeding mothers, mastitis is a breast infection that is quite common. However, it can occur among women who aren’t breastfeeding as well. Itchiness of the breasts may be accompanied with other symptoms like fever, warmth, redness, and breast pain. This is usually treated with antibiotics, unless the condition does not improve. In that case, further medical tests may be recommended. 

4. Yeast Infection

This can cause itching when the sides of the breasts or the underneath turns moist, resulting in an overgrowth of yeast. OTC or prescribed anti-fungal medication are usually recommended in such cases. You can prevent yeast infections by wearing bras made of breathable material like cotton and keeping your bra on even while sleeping. This will help prevent itching under breast fold, which occurs when moisture remains trapped. Dry the area completely before wearing your bra and go for sports bras that are designed to absorb sweat, whenever you’re working out, and change it immediately after.

5. Heat Rash

These rashes may appear throughout the body, including the breasts. Some of the reasons behind it are tight or very heavy clothes, exposure to heat, and sweating. It can get cured on its own or it can be treated with drying powders. 

6. Psoriasis

This condition involves your skin breaking out into flaky scales. Although breasts are not the most common area where this condition occurs, the scales may appear anywhere in the body. It can be treated with topical medications or light therapy (phototherapy). 

7. Post-Surgical Symptoms

A recent breast surgery can lead to itchiness, as a part of the healing process. This is because surgeries for breast implants and breast augmentation stretches the skin, hence, the skin needs to recover. Consult a doctor if the itchiness is intolerable and persistent. 

8. Breast Cancer

We’ve heard enough about lumps being a clear symptom of breast cancer, benign and malignant. However, there are various other symptoms you need to look out for that may also be a sign of breast cancer. Like breast itchiness, along with other changes in the skin. Such symptoms can indicate two rare types of breast cancer – Paget’s disease and inflammatory breast cancer (IBC). If the itchiness prolongs for more than a few weeks, consult a doctor immediately. 

3 Medical Treatments For Itchy Breast

The causes behind itching of the breasts are varied and, hence, the treatment also differs greatly. For medical conditions that are not severe and does not require prescribed medications, as in the case of psoriasis and breast cancer, the below treatment options usually work:

1. OTC (Over-The-Counter Medications) Antihistamines

Antihistamines specialise in suppressing the immune system’s response to allergens. These are available as oral medications and in the form of ointments and cream.

  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
  • Fexofenadine (Allegra)
  • Cetirizine (Zyrtec)
  • Loratadine (Claritin)
  1. Ointments like hydrocortisone, which reduces swelling and itching, and pramoxine, which numbs the skin.
  2. Identify the cause behind the itching and avoid it.

Itchy Breasts? Understanding The Causes & Possible Treatments For This Symptom

What Could Be The Cause Of Itchy Breasts? Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore


Hormonal changes, which are dominant during pregnancy, cause breasts to increase in size and often leads to breast pain and itchiness. This can be experienced during other life phases where hormonal changes play an integral role like puberty, breastfeeding, and weaning. This can last between a few days to a few weeks. Itchy breasts during pregnancy are usually not accompanied by symptoms like discolouration of breasts or rashes. Talk to your doctor if your itchy breast during pregnancy is unbearable. 

Menstruation & Menopause

You’re likely to notice your breasts feeling tender a week before or during your menstruation. Same is the case with all menstrual cycle-related occurrences like menopause. Hormonal fluctuations cause breasts to become sensitive, making them prone to itching and irritation. Breasts usually enlarge at the time when women PMS. Itchy breast before period occurs because the skin on your breasts and nipples stretch. 

5 Preventive Measures for Breast Itchiness

Breast itching can be treated at home, unless it is due to underlying medical conditions like psoriasis and breast cancer.

  1. Dab a generous dose of broad spectrum sunscreen of more than SPF 15 not just before stepping out but even when you’re at home, irrespective of the weather.
  2. Hydrate yourself at frequent intervals to prevent your skin from drying up.
  3. Use a moisturiser that is not oil-based.
  4. Keep your breasts clean and dry post-shower and after sweating significantly.
  5. Opt for non-fragrant skin and hair care products, and detergents. Also, avoid products that comprise harmful chemicals like parabens and SLS.

What Causes Itchy Breasts During Pregnancy & Periods?

Itchy boobs due to dry skin and growing breasts induced by hormonal changes generally do not require a doctor’s attention. However, you need to see a doctor if you experience the following instances:

  1. Intense, unbearable itchiness
  2. Itchiness lasts for more than a week
  3. Itchiness that couldn’t be treated with home remedies
  4. Itchy nipples or itchiness in the areolar region, accompanied with flakiness
  5. Appearance of a rash between or under the breasts
  6. Other symptoms like swelling, tenderness, and/or pain, along with itchiness

Itchy breasts can be cured easily with home remedies or, at the most, OTC or prescription medications, unless it is the symptom of severe medical conditions like psoriasis and breast cancer. At times, it goes away on its own, as we’ve discussed previously. So, if you experience this, do not take it lightly. Keep a strict watch on it and if it stays beyond a week, consult a doctor immediately. 

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