Immunity-Boosting Foods For The Monsoon Season

Buzz 46

As the rainy season affects the immune system of our body, it is very important to have a healthy diet.

1. Green & Coloured Veggies Include lots of green and coloured vegetables in your diet plan. They have a good amount of nutrients that will keep you fit during this season.

2. Probiotics & Fermented Food You should include more probiotics and fermented food, like yoghurt, buttermilk, and pickled veggies, in your diet to make sure that your gut flora is happy.

3. Seasonal Specials A variety of seasonal fruits like pomegranates, plums, litchis, and pears and vegetables like carrots, radishes and fenugreek should be a part of your diet plan.

4. Soups & Broths Soups are ideal for monsoons. You can throw any veggies of your choice in your soup and make them delectable.

5. Water It is extremely important to drink lots of water during the monsoon season so that your system is clean.

Always remember, your nutrition and immunity depend on the food you eat. Therefore, you should be conscious of what you are feeding.