Foods To Boost Your Immunity During Monsoons

Monsoon Health Tips

The digestive system is sensitive to infections in the monsoon. So make sure you follow a clean, light and healthy diet

1. Strictly avoid eating street food or food from open vendors. There is a high chance of uncovered food to be contaminated.

2. Avoid drinking water/beverages from unknown sources. Boil and drink filtered water. It is best to carry your water in this season.

3. Avoid uncooked/raw food, especially from outside.

4. Enrich your gut with good bacteria by consuming probiotics like yoghurt.

5. Higher humidity means more sweating. So hydrate well and often to maintain the optimum water level in your body.

6. Herbal teas and immunity-boosting kaadha is a good addition to your diet this season.

7. Avoid eating leftovers as they are more prone to contamination.

8. Put dehydrating substances like rice grains, paper napkins and oil in food items (as applicable) to prevent them from spoiling due to moisture.