Hygiene Tips To Prevent During Monsoon

Monsoon Health Tips

One of the foremost health tips for monsoon is to maintain optimum hygiene

1. Whenever you come from outside, bathe with clean water to wash off dirt and sweat build-up.

2. Boil neem leaves in water, sieve it and add that water to your bathing water; its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties are a boon for the monsoon.

3. Avoid touching the eyes as that may cause conjunctivitis, which is a painful eye infection common in the rainy season.

4. If you do catch a cold or cough, carry a clean handkerchief and change it frequently; do not come in direct contact with uninfected individuals.

5. Keep dehydrated neem leaves in laundry, cupboards to prevent fungal growth.

6. Dustbins should be cleaned out regularly so that insects do not breed in them.