Shraddha Kapoor: Sparkling Skin Journey

Hydration balance: Use a water-based moisturizer to maintain your skin's moisture levels.

Sleep quality: Prioritize sleep to allow your skin to repair and rejuvenate overnight.

Hydrating face mists: Keep a facial mist in your bag for on-the-go hydration and refreshment.

Green tea infusion: Apply green tea-infused products for their soothing and antioxidant benefits.

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Mindful skincare: Tailor your routine to your skin's needs and listen to its cues.

Skin-loving teas: Sip chamomile or turmeric tea for calming and anti-inflammatory effects.

Homemade masks: Create masks using honey, yogurt, and oats for a natural, glowing complexion.

Fitness routine: Engage in regular exercise to improve blood circulation and promote skin health.