How Effective Are Barrier Birth Control Methods?

Sexual Health

1. Male Condoms  Male condoms are not 100% effective to prevent STDs and pregnancies. However, their estimated chances of failure on using them accurately is a negligible 3%

2. Female Condoms  According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the failure rate for female condoms is recorded at a significant 21 pregnancies per 100 women every year.

3. Diaphragm The average failure rate in the first year of use of the diaphragm barrier method is estimated to be 20% but it can be changed due to many factors involved.

4. Cervical Cap The effectiveness of the cervical cup depends on whether you’ve given birth before as that determines the shape of your cervix & the average lies between 9-20

To know more about barrier birth control methods, click on the link below!