Sexual Health
1. Expulsion Expulsion refers to the IUD unintentionally coming out of the uterus, requiring reinsertion or an alternative contraceptive method.
2. Pain & Discomfort IUDs can cause pain & discomfort, including cramping and discomfort during periods, especially in the initial months.
3. Uterus Perforation Uterus perforation is a rare but serious IUD side effect where the device punctures the uterine wall.
4. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease IUDs slightly raise the risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), a reproductive tract infection.
5. Infection IUDs can increase the risk of infections, including pelvic infections, although the risk is relatively low.
6. Damage To The Womb IUDs can increase the risk of infections, including pelvic infections, although the risk is relatively low.