Have You Tried These Mouth-Watering Vegan Recipe?

World Vegan Day

1. Vegan Pasta    Looking for a quick yet yummy meal for the workdays? Look no further than this white sauce vegan pasta recipe.

2. Vegan Curry     We have all grown up to love a warm, flavorful curry served with warm rotis or rice as food for the soul.

3. Vegan Ice-cream  Even though rich, creamy ice-cream is hard to imagine without full-fat cow milk. But this vanilla vegan ice cream will surprise you for all the right reasons!

4. Vegan Cake If you think baking a cake is too much work, this 1-bowl vegan cake recipe will change your mind.

5. Fruit Dessert Eating healthy doesn’t mean boring, tasteless food or a life without pleasure. It is about loving the vast range of colourful, juicy, nutrition-dense foods.