World Environment Day

To protect the environment and preserve the planet for our children and future generations, everyone needs to take proactive steps toward cleaner living habits. The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is “Ecosystem Restoration”

History Of World Environment Day

Did You Know? According to a report, published on the website of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), only 13.5 % of the sewage in India is treated.

Importance Of World Environment Day

World Environment Day urges all human beings to protect the natural surroundings and encourages worldwide activism. That means everything from littering to climate change. The importance of World Environment Day cannot be overlooked as it is both a global celebration and a platform for public outreach

10 Things You Can Do To Save Mother Nature

1. Choose Reusable Over Single-Use

Think about how many people you see each day drinking beverages from disposable cups or disposable bottles, sipping from disposable straws, carrying disposable grocery bags, eating from disposable plates or containers and using disposable utensils.


2. Upcycle More

Get creative with your useless or unwanted items by upcycling turning trash into treasure. Creating something new such as artwork, toys or jewellery is both satisfying and one of the best ways to protect the environment. Not only does it keep items out of the trash, but it can also prevent having to purchase new items, which require lots of resources to produce.



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3. Consume Less

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Curbing consumption can have a huge impact on the environment. The three “R’s”—reduce, reuse and recycle— get a lot of attention, but the planet could benefit from some focus on the most important and most underrepresented “R”: refuse. When you refuse, you say “no,” which is not always easy.

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