5 Must Practice Yoga Poses To Reduce Stress Instantly

Wonder women indeed exist in real life; women who fight all the daily battles inside and outside their homes. Besides all the social norms, stress, and prejudice, she still chooses to juggle her work and home responsibilities. The daily hassles of women involve some stressful situations which tend to affect them mentally and physically too. Although yoga for stress relief works like a miracle, most of the time, women are so involved in their tasks that they do not realise how much they are negatively getting affected by the stress.

5 Yoga Poses For Stress Relief Apt For Working Women These practices of yoga for stress management undoubtedly work like wonders: 1. Sukhasana

Benefits – It reduces stress and anxiety and calms the body, mind – It is also helpful for neck and back pain – It gives balance and equanimity to body, mind, and soul

2. Uttanasana

Benefits – Improves blood circulation of the upper body – Helps to reduce stress and anxiety

3. Sasangasana

Benefits – Flexes the spine and improves breathing – Keeps hormones in control

4. Side Stretch

Benefits – Brings balance to the entire body – It also lengthens the abdominal muscles – Improves flexibility