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Everything You Need To Know About Veganism & Vegan Diet Plans

Veganism is becoming more and more popular each day. Instagram feeds show several celebrities that are switching to a vegan diet for numerous reasons. The question, what is veganism, still remains unclear. Some believe that becoming a vegan is just about switching to plant-based options. However, veganism is not just about food; it is a lifestyle. A way of living that eliminates the animal-based component entirely from food, clothing, cosmetics and any other forms. Vegans eat plant-based food, wear cruelty-free clothes and makeup, do not use animal-tested products, and do not promote the use of animals in the tourism and entertainment industries.

Three Common Reasons People Switch To Veganism 1. Ethical Reasons

People who become vegan for ethical reasons believe that all creatures have an equal right to life and freedom, just as humans. An ideology that animals are here to co-exist with humans, not for humans. And a belief that humans are not meant to be carnivores, especially with the evolution of the human body and technological advancements bringing substitutions.

2. Environmental Reasons

The recent outrage of the Amazon forest burning up, the continuous and inevitable climate change and global warming that we face are all results of the greenhouse effect. “We are quite literally gambling with the future of our planet – for the sake of hamburgers.” – Peter Singer

3. Health Reasons

People who decide to become vegan for health purposes; their main change is food as opposed to a lifestyle change. A vegan diet can have ample long-term health benefits such as: – A lower risk of heart diseases – A lower risk of certain types of cancer – Aids weight loss – Reduces pain in certain types of arthritis

What Is The Difference Between Vegetarian & Vegan?

Now that we’ve understood what is veganism and the reasons why people choose that lifestyle. Let’s understand the basic difference between vegetarian and vegan. Vegan is derived from the first and last letters of vegetarian. All vegans are vegetarians but all vegetarians aren’t vegans. Vegetarians, similar to vegans don’t eat any type of meat, poultry, and seafood.

Foods That Vegans Can Eat:

– Fruits – Vegetables – Milk-free bread – Pasta – Cereals such as rice, corn, millets – Legumes such as beans, peas, lentils – Nuts – Seeds such as mustard, flax, sesame, chia

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