8 Possible Risk Factors Of Prenatal Depressions


1. A family history of depression or any mental health condition. 2. Being a single mom or pregnant as a teenager. 3. Not having healthy surroundings around you. The people and environment around you play a vital role in influencing your moods. 4. Having stressful life circumstances like not being able to maintain the work-life balance, low income, etc.


5.. Lack of social support, which affects pregnant women emotionally, causing feelings of loneliness, vulnerability,  anxiety, among other extreme feelings. 6 Extreme stress in life, arising from personal and professional spheres. 7 Domestic abuse and violence from the partner or, for that matter, anyone close to her. 8. Unplanned pregnancy leads to feelings of unpreparedness, be it physical, emotional, or both, making the pregnancy an unwanted one.


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