The Channel 46

Answers To 3 Common Doubts About Getting Infected By HIV/AIDS

Treatment as Prevention (TasP) implies taking HIV medications to prevent HIV from being sexually transmitted to partners. HIV patients who take medications for it and maintain an undetectable viral load, can live normal lives as healthy individuals. That apart, they will also not transmit HIV to their partners who do not have HIV, thus, making AIDS prevention possible.

1. How can I avoid getting HIV? Do the following to prevent yourself from getting the HIV virus: a. Use protection while having sexual intercourse. b. Avoid having more than one sexual partner at the same time to reduce the chances of being with a person who is affected by HIV. c. Ensure you’re not being injected with a reused needle during blood transfusion, while getting a tattoo, and other similar situations.

2. Can I get HIV by kissing someone who is HIV positive? No, HIV does not spread through acts like kissing, hugging, and rubbing against one another, as long as you’re not touching open sores. It also does not spread through masturbation.

3. Can latex condoms prevent HIV? Latex condoms are very effective in stopping the spread of the HIV virus during sexual intercourse, provided you’re using it the right way. However, remember that condoms do not guarantee you 100% protection. Hence, it is often recommended that you have one HIV negative sexual partner at a time rather than multiple partners who’s sexual history you’re unaware of.

The Channel 46

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