The Channel 46

Solving Common Queries About Growing Thicker Hair

Thin, flat, and dull hair is every girl’s nightmare. After trying and testing a plethora of hair-care products, do you feel that you still couldn’t spot a durable and effective treatment measure? Are you still bogged down with queries like, how to make hair thicker or how to get thick hair? Fret not! Here are some tried and tested natural remedies for thicker hair. Also, get to know about a bunch of effective styling products to improve the texture of your hair and its overall health.

Is it necessary to use hair conditioners? A. Shampoo cleans the scalp but leaves the hair dry. Conditioners make the hair smooth and shiny. Conditioner works as a moisturiser, making your hair feel soft and smooth, helps with detangling and combing, and adds shine. Regular conditioning protects your locks from the damage caused by blow dryers and straighteners.

What causes dandruff and dry scalp? A. Dandruff can be caused by dry scalp, eczema or even psoriasis. A flaky scalp is the result of dandruff, which are basically dead skin cells. People with dry skin are more prone to having dandruff. Cold winter air combined with overheated rooms is a common cause of itchy and flaky skin.

How much does your hair grow in a month? A. An average person’s hair grows a quarter of an inch every month. Therefore, about six inches a year. However, it is subjective and varies from person to person. Although, hair growth depends on a number of factors like age, hair quality, genetics, overall health, and other health conditions.

Does dandruff cause hair loss? A. Dandruff doesn’t directly cause hair loss. It causes itching. Excessive scratching injures your hair follicles and creates other dermatological conditions, leading to hair loss. This repetitive scratching can injure your hair follicles, leading to some hair loss, though not complete baldness.

Can changing your diet stop hair loss? A: Yes. Healthy hair can be achieved with the help of a balanced and nutritious diet. So, it’s always a good idea to take a closer look at what you are eating. When you deprive your body of essential nutrients, you are likely to suffer from hair loss and other health conditions. Instead of solely depending on shampoos and serums, ensure that you are getting an adequate dose of the nutrients from the food that you consume.

The Channel 46

Solving Common Queries About Growing Thicker Hair