The Channel 46

DIY Wellness Hacks For Pregnancy & Post-Pregnancy Term

Constipation Expanding pressure on pelvic muscles and swollen veins in the anus can often cause constipation during pregnancy.

Increased Breastmilk Once the baby is out, the first and most important worry for a new mom is to ensure that baby gets enough milk.

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Post-Pregnancy Hair fall I think as a new mom I was prepared for most things in terms of body changes. I wonder how I was totally unaware of the mandatory hair fall that begins postpartum and ends almost never!?

Stubborn Belly Fat Post Delivery Keeping this as the last amongst the priority of any new mum. As much as it is harrowing to see that loose belly and pregnancy weight stuck on you, it’s important to start worrying about this aspect only once your body has regained its strength.