The Channel 46

Strategies for saving money and budgeting in the new year

Create a budget: Start by making a list of all your income and expenses. This will help you understand where your money is going and where you can cut back

Set financial goals: Determine what you want to achieve financially in the new year, whether it's paying off debt, saving for a down payment on a house, or building an emergency fund

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Track your spending: Use a budgeting app or keep a handwritten record of your spending to see where you can make changes

Cut unnecessary expenses: Look for areas where you can reduce your spending, such as canceling subscriptions or shopping around for lower prices on household essentials

Increase your income: Consider taking on a side hustle or asking for a raise at work to boost your income and help you reach your financial goals faster

Consider joining a tour group or seeking out travel companions if you're worried about safety or feeling lonely while traveling solo