5 Benign Breast Conditions That Need Doctor Intervention

1. Fibroadenoma Fibroadenomas, as their name suggests are fibrous tissue growths within the breast. They can be single or multiple and may be seen in one or both breasts.

2. Fibroadenosis Fibroadenosis of the breast is the most common condition that causes pain. This condition comes under the umbrella of Benign Breast Diseases

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3. Galactorrhea Milky discharge from the nipples is called galactorrhea. It is caused due to high levels of the hormone prolactin in the body.

4. Breast Abscess or Mastitis  Severe pain and swelling in the breast coupled with fever can be the first signs of infection within the breast.

5. Traumatic Fat Necrosis Sometimes the breast tissue might incur some direct trauma during even routine activities resulting in a condition called traumatic fat necrosis.