It is also traditionally believed that masturbating is solely a man thing, which is so not true. Because it opens up a far more than what you may already know about or what you can imagine. Know more about the 10 reasons why you should let your fingers do all the talking.
Talk about it or keep it all hushed up, sweet dreams are undeniably made of extraordinary orgasms. Learn more about these 11 sex toys that will take sexual pleasure several notches higher.
Low libido in women is not usually a cause for concern considering the various stages that we go through in life, right from pregnancy to menopause. Here's how you can boost it naturally, along with its possible causes and treatments.
Belonging to the land of the Kamasutra, complaining of a boring sex life doesn’t make sense at all. So, here are 7 sex positions for you to make your sex life rangeen and have oodles of fun in bed and outside.
You may have found yourself say, “Arey banda acha hai par pata nahi phir bhi kyun humare beech mein kuch kami hai”. Chances are that you're talking about the lack of sexual chemistry in your relationship here. Here are 21 ways to know whether you are sexually compatible with your partner and tips to improve the same.
The bow-chicka-bow-wow session has far more positive effects on your overall health than you perhaps are aware of. Let’s dive right in and learn more about some of the health benefits of having sex regularly.