In order to prevent the appearance of cystic acne, you should soothe the skin immediately after your waxing session, and then regularly every day for up to 5 days.
Rich in vitamins A and C, along with polyunsaturated fatty acids, rosehip seed oil is known for being an anti-ageing remedy. Here's how you can DIY it at home.
Skin-loving ingredients bottled in little glass jars, serums are just what you need for keeping your skin hydrating and combatting pretty much every skin concern. Here are 5 DIY skincare recipes for facial serums that are worth all the effort.
There are quite a few female actors in the Indian film industry who are known for the shape or ampleness of their pout. Here are 6 DIY lip scrub recipes that ae favourites of some of our leading B-Town ladies.
A dermat shares interesting facts about turmeric and shares a few DIY remedies using the magic ingredient. Go on, include them as a part of their skincare routine.
Remember that massive pain that you feel when the skin on either side of one of your fingernails is ripped apart a bit and, therefore, loosely hangs from the nail? Read on to know its causes, signs, home remedies, and when you need to see a doctor.