Expert TalkExpert Talk: Signs Your Heavy Blood Flow (Menorrhagia) During Periods Needs Medical...

Expert Talk: Signs Your Heavy Blood Flow (Menorrhagia) During Periods Needs Medical Attention 

Menorrhagia is referred to as menstrual periods with unusually excessive or protracted bleeding. Although excessive menstrual bleeding is a common cause for concern, menorrhagia is not often experienced by most women. In India, where there are over 355 million menstrual women, 60% of them may require medical assistance to deal with menorrhagia that causes heavy and painful periods.

Menorrhagia patients may need to change their pads or tampons throughout the night or wear more than one pad at the same time. However, the fact that a major underlying issue is the source of menorrhagia in over 50% of instances means that it should not be handled lightly.

The Channel 46 collaborated with Dr Madhushree Vijayakumar, Consultant – Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals, who educates us about the possible symptoms and treatments of menorrhagia, and lifestyle changes to help you to keep the disorder under check.

4 Common Signs & Symptoms Of Menorrhagia

Expert Talk: Signs You're Heavy Bleeding (Menorrhagia) During Periods Needs Medical Attention 
  1. Women can experience larger-than-a-quarter-size blood clots present in the flow.
  2. Frequently required sanitary pads or tampon changes, even at night.
  3. Several sanitary pads or tampons are filled in an hour due to heavy flow that lasts for days.
  4. Extended menstrual cycles in women that last longer than seven days.

12 Possible Causes Of Menorrhagia

  1. One of the reasons for menorrhagia is anovulation, which is a menstrual cycle without an egg (or ovulation). A hormonal imbalance caused by the body’s inability to form an egg during anovulation results in menorrhagia, which is accompanied by the menstrual cycle. Anovulation is more prevalent in young women just beginning their menstrual cycles or in women over 40, who are approaching menopause. 
  2. An ovary’s failure to generate an egg might result in a lack of progesterone production, which can lead to hormonal imbalance. Menorrhagia can be brought on by ovarian dysfunction.
  3. When a woman experiences menorrhagia, the uterine polyps can cause hormone levels to overproduce.
  4. Menorrhagia and increased bleeding can result from the use of an intrauterine device, a type of contraception.
  5. A missed abortion or an ectopic pregnancy, in which the egg is implanted in the fallopian tube, are examples of pregnancy complications that might result in irregular blood flow.
  6. Women can experience bleeding problems that result from improper platelet function.
  7. The inner lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium, can overgrow in expectation of a fertilised egg in response to a decrease in the typical balance of oestrogen and progesterone, which can then result in severe bleeding upon shedding in women. 
  8. Fibroids, which are benign, non-cancerous tumours present in the reproductive system, may also result in excessively heavy bleeding.
  9. Integration between the uterine muscular tissue with the glands found in the endometrium. Adenomyosis is the medical term for this illness, which can result in menorrhagia in women.
  10. Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection that causes inflammation of the reproductive system. Serious difficulties could result from this.
  11. Malignancies of the uterus, cervix, and ovaries that can affect the female reproductive system, leading to unusually heavy bleeding. 
  12. Anticoagulants found in medication regimens used to treat various health issues can also lead to severe menstrual bleeding in some cases. 

2 Treatment Options For Menorrhagia 

Women who have this issue frequently look for solutions to stop experiencing heavy periods. 

1. Drug Therapy

Menorrhagia symptoms can be managed with drug therapy that includes oral hormones, tranexamic acid, and iron supplements, and it promises to re-establish hormonal equilibrium.

2. Surgery

The trouble is that they frequently leave behind new problems. The doctor may occasionally advise surgery as a treatment option for menorrhagia symptoms. 

3 Lifestyle Changes To Keep Menorrhagia In Check

Expert Talk: Signs You're Heavy Bleeding (Menorrhagia) During Periods Needs Medical Attention 

Here are a few natural ways to treat menorrhagia at home naturally. In addition to the cures, getting enough rest and exercising regularly is the first step in learning how to end menorrhagia naturally.

1. Vitamin C

It is a basic rule of nutritional balance that your body should be properly hydrated and well-supplied with important minerals and nutrients. The body uses vitamin C to quickly absorb iron from the diet. Its uptake is inhibited when vitamin C isn’t present. As a result, eating foods high in vitamin C (such as citrus fruits, etc.) can support the body’s ability to absorb an adequate amount of iron.

2. Iron

A significant amount of the body’s iron is contained in the blood. Iron is lost along with the blood during a period cycle. A deficiency of iron prevents the body from being able to make additional blood cells to make up for blood loss. Iron supplements make sure that iron levels are adequate and that there is always enough blood in the body to prevent conditions like anaemia after a heavy period. Meats, dark-coloured leafy vegetables, lentils, and other foods are examples of foods high in iron.

3. Hydration

Menorrhagia, which causes an unusually heavy menstrual cycle, causes water loss in addition to blood loss. To preserve the body’s health, women must replenish the level of hydration in their bodies.

During menstruation, women typically lose 2-3 tablespoons of blood, or 30-45 millilitres, over the course of 4-5 days. Yet, a person with menorrhagia may experience excessive bleeding that leads them to soak through one or more tampons or pads every hour for several hours in a row or bleeding that lasts longer than seven days. In such cases, consulting a doctor for immediate medical attention is essential.

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