Home Buzz 46 Buzz 46: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Yoga Asanas For Women

Buzz 46: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Yoga Asanas For Women


Yeh toh aap jante hi honge ki the art of yoga has its origin in pracheen India. Having been mentioned in the Rigveda for the first time, it finds multiple references in the Upanishads as well. It is from India that this fitness form travelled to the West and has reached the cult status that it now occupies. Unfortunately, it had gradually become a dying art in the last few decades, until Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi revived it with his persistent initiatives. The importance that yoga holds in the global arena is evident from the fact that the 21st of June of every year is celebrated as International Yoga Day

Here’s an extensive list of yoga asanas that all you women out there can refer to, to #BeALittleMore conscious of your health (of your body and your mind).

3 Yoga Asanas To Regulate Blood Pressure

1. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)

The corpse pose is a pose that can instantly relax the mind and body. It is great for reducing stress, battling anxiety, decreasing fatigue, curing insomnia and reducing headaches. This pose is helpful in lowering blood pressure, making it ideal for people suffering from hypertension.


  • Lie down on your back.
  • Keep your feet hip distance apart and your hands by the side of your body.
  • Your palms should be facing the sky.
  • Relax in the pose while you breathe consciously, shifting your awareness to all parts of your body one by one.

2. Paschimottanasana (Forward Seated Bending Pose)

Obesity is a very common cause of blood pressure conditions. This forward seated bending pose is great for weight loss. It improves digestion and reduces excess fat from the abdominal region. If practised regularly, this pose is sure to help with fatigue and anxiety issues that are commonly seen among women with low blood pressure. 


  • Sit down on the mat with your legs stretched out.
  • Inhale as you raise your hands.
  • Bend forward and try to touch your toes with your fingers as you exhale.
  • Aim to rest your forehead on your knees.
  • Stay in the pose for 20 seconds.

3. Balasana (Child Pose)

Child’s pose is a practice that calms the body and brings about a sense of peace and serenity. It helps in regulating blood pressure because it can reduce fatigue and stress while improving blood circulation in the body.


  • Kneel down on the mat.
  • Let your hips rest on your heels.
  • Gradually start to bend forward.
  • Stretch your hands and place your palms facing down on the mat.
  • Slowly place your forehead on the mat.
  • Hold this pose for 10-15 seconds. 

Read: 7 More Yoga Asanas To Regulate Blood Pressure

3 Yoga Asanas For A Healthy Heart

1. Sukhasana (Easy Pose)

Sukhasana is one of the easiest and most comforting poses for heart health. It is also known as the easy crossed-legged position. Practise Sukhasana for 5-10 minutes daily to improve your breathing and keep your heart fit. It also helps in channelising your breathing and relaxes the body.


  • Sit on the ground and cross one leg over the other.
  • Keep your spine straight (use a pillow to support your back if needed).
  • Inhale and exhale deeply focusing on your breathing.

2. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana is the most basic pose of yoga. The spine maintains itself in a neutral (natural) shape which is why the asana, despite being very simple, leads to multiple benefits. Often Tadasana acts as the base pose, to begin your yoga journey. It aids in the development of abdominal muscles and reduces stress. It straightens the spine and improves breathing and balances over the body. Not just that, it also plays an active role in Improving circulation over blood vessels and enhances blood flow to the legs, allowing increased circulation to your heart.


  • Stand straight with your feet apart.
  • Inhale deeply and raise both arms upwards.
  • Interlock your fingers.
  • Raise your heels to balance yourself on your toes.
  • Begin slow, deep breathing.
  • Maintain this posture as long as possible and come back to a normal position.

3. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend is an intense posture where the body’s flexibility is tested. As the upper portion of the body goes anti-gravity, the brain receives a better flow of blood. It improves blood flow to the brain, rejuvenates the cells, and strengthens your heart. 


  • Stand firm on the ground.
  • Keep your feet and shoulders apart and parallel to each other.
  • Gently bend down from your hips, breathing out slowly.
  • Try touching your chest and abdomen to the thighs.
  • Bring your head down while you try to touch your hands to your feet.
  • Place your palms beside your feet.
  • Stretch your spine as much as you can and breathe slowly.
  • Exhale slowly, with your head down while you lift your upper body up.
  • Lift your head slowly, and breathe slowly as you relax.

Read: 7 More Yoga Asanas For A Healthy Heart

3 Yoga Asanas To Treat Migraine At Home

1. Seated Forward Fold

This posture stretches out your spine and opens up your shoulders, relieving thoda tension that can cause headaches. In addition, seated forward folds help your upper body and neck relax completely, allowing your head to rest aram se on your legs.


  • Get to your sit bones and extend your legs in front of you.
  • Stretch your arms high overhead, then fold forward from your hips, aiming for your shins or feet.
  • As you fold and draw your forehead towards your toes, maintain the length of your spine (bend your knees slightly to make this easier).

2. Downward Dog

This position reverses the position of your heart, which means ulta blood flow. That means freshly oxygenated blood goes to your head relieving your migraine slightly.


  • Begin by taking a horizontal stance. Lift your hips up and back, tucking your toes under and sinking your heels down towards your mat.
  • Hug your arms close to your ears and stretch your legs from the back.
  • As you lower your torso to your thighs, let your head and neck relax.

3. Bridge Pose

Migraine ka sabse bada kaaran hai the tension in your shoulders and neck. This pose is perfect for relieving that tension and increasing the blood flow to your head. 


  • Lay on your back with your arms down by your sides and the soles of your feet placed on the ground (knees pointing up).
  • Raise your hips towards the ceiling as you inhale.
  • Hold your head up away from your chest and the back of your head pressed into the mat.

Read: 4 More Yoga Asanas For Migraine

3 Yoga Asanas To Manage PCOS At Home

1. Malasana (Garland Pose)

Malasana can strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal core while opening the hips. This can benefit individuals with PCOS by increasing circulation and blood flow to the pelvic region, improving metabolism, and aiding digestion.


  • Start with feet spread about a mat’s width apart.
  • Bend your knees and lower your buttocks toward the floor to come into a squat position.
  • Bring your hands in a prayer position (Anjali mudra). You can allow your thumbs to touch your sternum to help keep the chest lifted.
  • Press your upper arms/triceps inside of your knees and stay engaged with your spine straight (elbows press into knees to open the hips).
  • Extend the low back and draw the shoulder blades towards one another.
  • Remain in this position for up to 5 breaths.
  • Come out of it by straightening your legs.
  • Repeat the pose three times.

2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Also known as the cobra pose, this asana helps you promote flexibility in your body and de-stress your system. This is one of the best yoga asanas for PCOS treatment.


  • Lie down on your chest with your elbows close to your body, palms facing down.
  • On an inhalation, slowly straighten your arms to lift your chest off the floor and keep reclining back. Your navel should be touching the floor.
  • Hold the posture for 15-30 seconds and then gradually exhale and come back down.

3. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

The camel pose causes stretching in your abdominal region. The pull in your stomach signals your uterine muscles which ease your menstrual cramps. This yoga asana for PCOS treatment also stretches the spine which relieves mild lower back pain.


  • Kneel on the floor.
  • Arch your back slowly.
  • Touch your heels with your hands.
  • Hold this for 30 to 60 seconds.

Read: 11 More Yoga Asanas To Manage PCOS At Home

3 Yoga Asanas To Relieve Menstrual Cramps & Period Pain 

1. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Periods are often accompanied by several unwanted guests like diarrhoea and constipation. This yoga for period pain will not only help relieve period cramps but also soothe your digestive system. It is also known to help open your hips, remove fatigue and stimulate the ovaries.


  • Sit with your knees opened sideward and your feet together. As you lengthen through your torso and spine, push your sitting bone towards the ground.
  • Activate your legs by pressing the heels together. Use your hands to open the balls of your feet, like you are opening a book. This will aid in keeping your knees safe in this pose and several other seated yoga poses. 
  • Extend your thighs horizontally to the left and the right, while continuing to press your heels together. Release your knees closer to the ground. 
  • Lift through the core, moving from your spine’s base. This will engage your pelvic floor muscles and your root energy lock (Mula bandha). 
  • Inhale to lengthen your spine and torso and exhale to ground down and stay connected to the earth.
  • Hold the pose as you take a few deep breaths. 
  • While performing this exercise, avoid pressing the balls of your feet together or rounding your spine. 

2. Janu Shirasasana (One-Legged Forward Bend)

Forward bends have a stimulating effect on your abdominal and reproductive muscles. So it is a great idea to include a few of these yoga poses to relieve period cramps in your menstrual yoga routine. You can modify this pose according to your flexibility and comfort. Other than working well for cramps, this yoga for period pain aids in relieving headaches, anxiety, fatigue and more. It also stretches your lower back and hamstrings.


  • Sit up and keep your legs stretched out in front of you. Your spine should be erect.
  • Bend your left knee and keep it on the ground in a way that the bottom of your left foot should be against your right inner thigh. 
  • Now, raise your arms above your head and try to stretch up as you breathe in. try to centre your torso over your right leg. 
  • Breathe out as you bend forward from your hip joints. Keep your spine straight. Your chin should be directed to your toes. 
  • If you can manage it easily, hold on to your big toe. Your elbows should be pointed to the floor. Gently move forward while pulling on your toes. Hold this position and make sure not to hold your breath.
  • Breathe in. Come back up and breathe out. Bring your arms down to your sides.
  • Repeat the steps on the other side. 

3. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Next up on our list of yoga poses for menstrual cramps is this simple yet highly effective pose. Matsyasana can help you with your menstrual pain as it tends to stretch and stimulate the belly muscles. This back-bend also stretches the chest, spine and shoulders and can help ease fatigue and anxiety. Fish pose is not recommended for people with a neck injury or lower-back issues. 


  • Begin by lying down on your back. Your hands should be placed under your hips and your palms should be facing the floor. 
  • As you inhale, lift up your shoulders, chest and head and tilt your head backwards. Put the top of your head on the floor very gently. 
  • Make sure to put minimal weight and exertion on your head and neck. Also, make sure to keep your legs straight. 
  • Maintain this position for about half a minute. 
  • As you exhale, lift your shoulders and head. Lower your head and upper body back to the floor gently. 
  • Once you manage to do this basic pose with ease, take things up a notch by practising Matsyasana while sitting in Padmasana. 

Read: 7 More Yoga Asanas For Menstrual Cramps & Period Pain

3 Yoga Asanas For Pregnant Women

1. Savasana 

The easiest yoga pose ever exists. This pose targets your mind and is incredibly relaxing. So whenever the pregnancy hormones start going crazy and you feel stressed, roll out your yoga mats and start meditating. 


This pose is performed lying down on your back. However, since this may not be advisable during pregnancy, you can do this pose lying on your side. For extra comfort, add pillows under your head, knees, and belly. Simply lie in this relaxed position and hold as long as you can. Try controlling your breath and doing a rhythmic inhale-exhale motion. 

2. Sukhasana

This pose is more inclined to meditation. It helps you to calm down and stay relaxed. Another plus is that it enables you to fight lower back pain and opens up your hips. Have stress and anxiety? Try this pose.


  • Get your yoga mat and criss-cross your legs. You can fold your fluffiest blanket to sit down, to get more comfortable.  
  • The soles of your feet should be facing outwards under your opposite legs. 
  • With your crossed shins forming a sort of straight line, your legs should create a triangle.
  • Let your palms face up or down in whatever position you feel is working the best for you. 
  • Hold for as long as you feel comfortable, then cross your shins the other way and hold for another minute. If you want to relax, try some breathing exercises. 

3. Malasana

One of the best poses to try if your hips are feeling tight. It also aids in childbirth as it helps to widen the pelvis. It targets your belly, hips, and pelvis region. 


  • Sit with your legs wide out in front of you on the floor. 
  • Bend your knees upwards one after the other, getting your foot as close to your buttocks as possible. 
  • Keep the width of your knees bigger than the width of your shoulders. 
  • Lift your buttocks slowly, shifting your weight to your feet, and hold that raised position for several seconds. If this is too challenging, try a supported yoga squat, in which you sit on a low stool instead of on the floor. 

Read: 3 More Yoga Asanas For Pregnant Women

3 Yoga Asanas To Deal With Anxiety

1. Hero Pose

This seated posture can assist you with tracking down your centre. Zeroing in on your breath might assist you with centring down ease in the tranquillity of this pose.


  • Get into a kneeling position. Your knees ought to be together, and your feet ought to be marginally more extensive than your hips.
  • Keep the highest points of your feet level on the floor.
  • Assuming that this is awkward, put a pad or square under your bum, thighs, or calves.
  • Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Sit up directly to open your chest and extend your spine.
  • Hold this pose for as long as 5 minutes.

2. Tree Pose

This exemplary standing pose might assist you with focusing inward, quieting racing thoughts.


  • From standing, bear your weight with your right foot and gradually lift your left foot off of the ground.
  • Gradually turn the underside of your left foot toward within your left leg.
  • Place it outwardly on your left lower leg, calf, or thigh.
  • Try not to press your foot into your knee.
  • Bring your hands into any agreeable position. This could be in a supplication position before your heart or hanging close by your sides.
  • Hold this pose for as long as 2 minutes.
  • Rehash on the contrary side.

3. Triangle Pose

This invigorating pose can assist with easing the strain in your neck and back.


  • Come into a standing situation with your feet more extensive than your hips.
  • Face your left toes forward and your right toes in at a slight point.
  • Lift your arms to stretch out from your shoulders. Your palms should look down.
  • Expand your middle forward as you reach forward with your left hand.
  • Pivot at your hip joint to bring your right hip back. Take your pass close by to your leg, the floor, or a square.
  • Broaden your right arm up toward the roof.
  • Look in any agreeable heading.
  • Hold this pose for as long as 1 moment.
  • Then, at that point, do the contrary side.

Read: 7 Yoga Asanas For Anxiety

3 Yoga Asanas For Healthy Skin

1. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

This yoga asana improves blood circulation in the head, which in turn, enhances the skin of your face, imparting a natural glow to it. What’s more, it also aids in controlling dullness, wrinkles, and pimples on your face. 


  • Lie down flat on your back, facing the ceiling
  • Lift your leg slowly and then gradually lift your hips as much as you can
  • Return to the starting position to complete one step

Note: This asana is generally not recommended if you have blood pressure, neck pain, or are on your periods unless advised differently by your yoga instructor.

2. Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Armed with the power to calm down your brain, it relieves stress, thus, promoting a healthy glow to your skin. It also helps improve blood circulation, leading to healthy skin yet again.


  • Sit down on a yoga mat with a straight back and legs straight in front of you
  • Lift your right knee and ensure that it touches your left hip
  • Similarly, make your left knee touch the right hip
  • Hold both your hands on your knees in the dhyana mudra position 

Note: Don’t perform this asana, if you have knee pain unless advised by your yoga practitioner.

3. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The pressure that this exercise exerts on your abdomen results in the detoxification of your body, which in turn, leads to healthy, glowing skin. 


  • Lie down on the yoga mat with your head facing downwards, but palms facing the ceiling
  • Lift your leg without lifting the hips
  • Next, lift your torso and touch the ankle with your hands
  • Stretch your body, ensuring that your abdomen touches the floor
  • Return to the starting position to complete one step
  • Repeat this step two to three times

Note: Don’t perform this exercise if you have high or low blood pressure, or if you’re pregnant unless advised by your yoga instructor

Read: 5 More Yoga Asanas For Healthy Skin

Yoga is an all-encompassing fitness form that is for all. This traditional science-based technique has a solution to strengthen and maintain every part of our body. You name a problem and yoga will have an answer for you. After that, it is for you to be persistent with your yoga routine to get the maximum results from it. So, get going and harness the power of yoga in your everyday life.

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