Home Health Fitness 5 Simple Yoga Asanas To Treat Acidity & Gas

5 Simple Yoga Asanas To Treat Acidity & Gas


Acidity or acid reflux is a common problem that almost everyone experiences once in a while. Yeh hota hai due to excess acid production in the stomach. There are several factors responsible for causing acidity including poor eating habits, stress, smoking and even kuch kuch tarah ke medications, etc. if you are suffering from this problem, you may experience symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation, sore throat, indigestion and difficulty in swallowing. Although not really a big issue, acidity can be quite annoying! 

If you are looking for safe and effective natural ways to deal with this common but annoying problem, yoga for acidity iska aasaan hal ho sakta hai. Let’s see how yoga can be an effective remedy for dealing with gas and acidity. 

2 Reasons Why You Should Practise Yoga For Acidity

Yoga for gastritis and acidity can be extremely helpful in getting rid of this extremely discomforting problem. 

  1. Firstly, yoga helps keep the mind calm and reduces stress, which is a common cause of acidity
  2. Secondly, it aids in increasing blood circulation, improving digestion, and strengthening the digestive system

5 Yoga Asanas For Acidity That Are Quite Effective

If yoga is not a part of your daily routine, you are missing out on some amazing health benefits! But better late than never, right? 

Here are five postures of yoga for acidity for reducing gas and acidity. The best part is, these yoga for reflux acidity are suitable for regular yoga practitioners as well as for beginners. 

1. Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

This yoga for gastritis and acidity involves the stretching of arms, legs and oblique muscles. It can help increase the peristaltic activity and proper elimination. Extended side angle pose also Improves digestion and reduces acidity and gas. 

Moreover, it helps develop the chest, reduces fat around the waist area and tones the leg.


  1. Stand in Tadasana or Mountain pose. Inhale and with a jump spread your legs about 4 feet apart. Raise arms sideways with palms facing the ground.
  2. Exhale and turn the right foot at 90 degrees to the right and turn the left foot slightly to the right while keeping it completely stretched out.
  3. Bend the right knee until your thigh and calf form a right angle and the right thigh is parallel to the ground.
  4. Lean towards the right and place the right palm on the floor by the side of the right foot. The right armpit should touch the outer side of the right knee.
  5. Raise the left arm over the left ear and stretch your entire body. Chest, hips and legs should form a line.
  6. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds while taking deep and even breaths.
  7. Breathe in and lift the right arm from the floor and straighten the right leg. Breathe out and repeat on the left side and return to mountain pose.
  8. Practice this simple yoga for acidity and gas pose regularly for best results. 

2. Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose)

This yoga for acidity is very useful in reducing bloating sensation due to gas.

Next up on the list of yoga asanas for acidity is the Boat Pose. It requires a balance between the sitting bones and the tailbone. This yoga for acidity is very useful in reducing bloating sensation due to gas. It also improves posture and reduces fat around the waist area. 


  1. For this yoga for acidity and gas pose, start by sitting on the ground with legs stretched straight in front. Press the palms on the ground by the hips. Keep your back erect and hands straight.
  2. Lean back slightly and raise the legs from the floor simultaneously, with knees locked and toes pointing forward.
  3. Raise your legs about 60 degrees from the floor and keep your feet higher than your head. If you are unable to straighten the legs, keep your knees bent, with your calves parallel to the floor.
  4. Raise arms forward, keeping them parallel to the floor and near the thighs, with shoulder and palms in a straight line and palms facing each other.
  5. Breathe normally and stay in this pose for 30 seconds.
  6. Lower the hands and straighten the legs and lie down to rest.

3. Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Upward Extended Feet Pose)

This simple exercise for gas and acidity will also help you reduce fat around the abdominal region.

This pose stretches the hips, legs and pelvis. This simple exercise for gas and acidity will also help you reduce fat around the abdominal region.


  1. Lie flat on the back; keep your legs stretched and straight with knees tightened.
  2. Stretch your arms straight over the head. 
  3. If you cannot do all the steps in one stretch, do them in three separate steps.
  4. Raise your legs about 30 degrees from the floor and stay in this position for 15 seconds with normal breathing.
  5. Raise the legs about 60 degrees from the floor and hold for 15 seconds with normal breathing.
  6. Raise your legs higher till they are perpendicular to the floor and hold it for half to one minute with normal breathing.
  7. Lower the legs and relax.

4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

This yoga for gastric and acidity stretches your entire back and enhances physical flexibility. This asana tones the abdominal organs. It is also very useful in improving digestion and reducing acidity. Here is how you can perform this exercise for gas and acidity. 


  1. Start with sitting on the floor with legs stretched straight in front.
  2. Exhale and lean forward and extend your hands as far as you can, without rounding your back.
  3. If you can, hold your toes with your fingers.
  4. Breathe in and lift your front torso slightly, breathe out and move a little more into a forward bend, widen the elbows and lift them from the floor.
  5. When this becomes easy, pull the trunk forward and touch your forehead to the knees and gradually increase the bend.
  6. Stay in this yoga for reflux acidity for 1 to 2 minutes while continuing to breathe deeply and evenly.  

5. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose)

It stimulates digestion, apart from stretching the outer hips and thighs, and building strength in the upper body.

This pose involves a restorative twist that builds strength. It stimulates digestion, apart from stretching the outer hips and thighs, and building strength in the upper body.


  1. Start with sitting straight with legs stretched in the front.
  2. Bend your right knee and bring your right foot near the pelvic region.
  3. Bend your left knee and keep the left foot over the right knee.
  4. Twist your upper body and bring your right arm across your left knee. 
  5. Keep your left arm behind the back.
  6. Stay in this position for a minute, then repeat on the other side.

6 Useful Tips To Prevent Acidity & Gas

While these yoga for reflux acidity are a simple and effective way to bring you some much-needed relief from acidity, remember prevention is always better than cure! Acidity is a common problem that can be avoided by following simple care and caution. Here are a few tips that can help you prevent acidity and gas. 

  1. Avoid overeating instead; eat small meals frequently and chew your food properly.
  2. Do not skip your meals as it is one of the main causes of acidity.
  3. Avoid carbonated drinks.
  4. Limit your intake of fatty and spicy food, coffee, tea and alcohol.
  5. Improve your sleeping habits.
  6. If you experience acid reflux symptoms at night, elevate the head of your bed.

#BeALittleMore healthy by incorporating yoga into your daily routine. With some simple lifestyle changes, you can keep the problem of acidity and gas at bay. However, if yoga for gastric and acidity brings you no respite and your symptoms seem to be getting worse, pay your doctor a visit.

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