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Mental Health Quiz: How Well Do You Know The Symptoms Of Stress In Kids?


Test Your Child’s Stress Levels With This Quiz

Just because kids do not have the same amount of responsibilities, doesn’t mean they cannot be stressed. In small amounts, stress can be good. But, excessive stress can affect the way a child thinks, acts, and feels.  And, with the current pandemic, they are more likely to suffer and have a nervous breakdown due to extreme stress. The online classes and extreme academic pressure has resulted in a drastic decline in mental health. Your child may not recognise that it is the stress that’s causing behavioural changes, which might lead to confusion and even more stress. Take this quiz to know if your kids have the symptoms and are in stressful situations. Click here to know more about stress in children.

1. A change in appetite or a drastic academic decline can be signs of stress.
2. Activities like the results of an exam or appearing for a big test can induce stress.
3. A parent who has been an overachiever may put undue pressure on the child, which can cause the child to be stressed.
4. In times of stress, the parents and teachers should have no say in the situation.
5. Constantly monitoring your child’s activities is a way to reduce stress on them.
6. External stressors like financial difficulties or divorce can affect a child’s mental health.
7. It is crucial to set time aside for relaxing or playing, to unwind from the stressful school routine.
8. Romantic relationships and peer pressure are a few of the main causes of stress among preteens and teenagers.
9. A healthy sleep schedule, diet and exercise do not help tackle stress.
10. There is no such thing as the need for a psychologist when it comes to stress on children.



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