When someone tells us they are happy, the first thing we often tend to wonder is the reason that’s making them happy. Rather than being happy for them. We all want to be happy. But we sometimes think of happiness as something that’ll come to use on its own. By saying “If only things were different, then I’d be happy”, we give ourselves the badge of unhappiness and carry it everywhere. But that’s not how happiness works. Then how to find happiness? Not just that, we also catch ourselves thinking hard about how to find peace of mind and happiness?
Why Does Happiness Matter?
Do you constantly ask yourself – how can I find happiness? How to get happiness in life? Firstly, understanding that happiness is more than feeling good or a yellow emoticon on your phone. It’s the feeling of truly enjoying your life, and the desire to make the very best of it. It really matters for the growth of your own well-being – Physically, Intellectually, Emotionally and Spiritually (PIES). This is your complete answer to how to find peace of mind and happiness.
As the saying goes – “Everything begins with yourself”. Your journey begins with how to find happiness within yourself. And with that in mind, here are some wise hacks that you should nurture this new year in your pursuit of happyness.
10 Hacks On How To Find Happiness In Life
1. Eat Healthy
“You are what you eat”. However stereotyped it is, there is an element of truth in it!
“You are what you eat”. However stereotyped it is, there is an element of truth in it! Fresh vegetables and fruits provide you with the necessary vitamins and minerals to energise your body throughout the day, which greatly impacts your overall mood and sense of well-being. Not just that, include enough protein and calcium in your daily diet – meat or protein-rich alternatives like lentils. And, of course, dairy products. In sharp contrast, junk food will consume your energy and leave you slow-moving all day.
2. Exercise Regularly
Exercising regularly along with healthy eating is a must. This doesn’t mean you overdo it or do it wrong. Make a start and then increase the intensity gradually every few days. Fitness causes an uncomplicated increase in your heart rate, which in turn, increases your endorphins, giving you a natural feeling of happiness. Endorphins, a happy hormone, give many avid exercise enthusiasts their best endurance moments. You need not spend hours exercising, just 20 to 30 minutes to keep the happy hormones flowing.
3. Treat Yourself Well
Incentives work wonders when you’re up against a tough task. But treating yourself does need a reason every time.
Incentives work wonders when you’re up against a tough task. But treating yourself does need a reason every time. They give you that extra push to work harder and achieve more. 24 hours in our day never seem enough to do all the things you need to do. With the challenges of adulting, juggling between work, social life, and family responsibilities, we all are bust jumping from one thing to another.
Once in a while, when everything seems overwhelming and you feel that the odds are piled against you, just let go. Treat yourself to anything that always proves to be a great pick-up for you, a piece of chocolate, a tub of ice cream, a movie, reading – anything. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. And incentives help you with just that. Not just that, don’t forget to treat yourself after you’ve reached a goal.
4. Social Media Break
It’s time you dedicated solely to yourself!
When you’re not at your happiest moment, seeing other’s perfectly portrayed life creates an unnecessary pressure of having a perfect life, like theirs. Once you decide to go for a social detox, at least for a few hours, you have time to spend with yourself in the real sense of the term and also indulge in activities that interest you, without interruption. It’s time you dedicated solely to yourself!
5. Go On A Date With Yourself
May sound boring to you, especially if you’re a person who loves to have company. But, try it and chances are that you’ll like the experience so much that you’ll repeat it often. Prepare some popcorn and settle in for the night with one of your all-time favourite ‘turn-to’ movies when feeling down, or a movie you’ve been just dying to see and never did. With all the OTTs at a click, we have access to a number of movies at our fingertips. Anything that pumps you up and makes you feel happy. After all, you are good company too, for yourself. How to find happiness within yourself is very crucial.
6. Get Adventurous
It can simply be a place that you would like to go for a walk or any place that is serene, peaceful and downright relaxing.
This is bound to become a favourite t(r)ip for many! If you are yet to try strolling all by yourself, this is one thing you should do this year. It works for most of us when we are feeling low. The trip needn’t be outside the city or town of your residence. It can simply be a place that you would like to go for a walk or any place that is serene, peaceful and downright relaxing. If you’re a water baby, you could go by a waterfront, or beach. Or just indulge yourself in your favourite park. Breathe in the fresh air and be grateful for the beauty around you. Enjoy your ME time and be in charge of your own happiness.
7. Write It All Out
Writing down is cathartic, it is like a vessel to release the built-up emotions, frustrations, or anything that you would like to vent out.
How about keeping a personal journal, or maybe even keeping your own blog, for example? It’s challenging to maintain a daily journal but there is no harm in giving it a try. Writing down is cathartic, it is like a vessel to release the built-up emotions, frustrations, or anything that you would like to vent out. When you write it all out, it will help your mind to be more organised and give it the freedom to focus on the right things.
8. Declutter Your Home
The mind is cleaner and more organised when the home is clean and clutter-free. Try it out and it is bound to feel therapeutic, after it’s all done.
If you’ve made it this far, there’s no stopping you from going ahead further, one step at a time. And this starts with cleaning up your physical and mental space. The mind is cleaner and more organised when the home is clean and clutter-free. Try it out and it is bound to feel therapeutic, after it’s all done. You will feel better once you start, and even better once you’ve finished! Now you definitely know how to find peace of mind and happiness.
9. Meditate
It helps you focus, quiet your mind, and control your emotions.
Easier said than done! But try. At least once. And the results are sure to change the way you look at it. Start with a guided meditation session. There are several such guided classes available online, even those that are free of charges. It helps you focus, quiet your mind, and control your emotions. The best part is you can meditate anywhere and anytime. There are different kinds of meditation that you can choose from such as yoga, transcendental, mindfulness and laughter meditations. Meditation works best when it is done every day at the same time. So you need to decide on a time for meditation – one you know you’ll be able to sustain.
10. Practice Active Gratitude
Be happy with what you have. Gratitude has been proven to be beneficial by a wide variety of studies.
Being thankful is very important! Be happy with what you have. Gratitude has been proven to be beneficial by a wide variety of studies. It reduces anxiety and depression. Gratitude helps you to be positive and feel happy. As a result, relationships with others are strengthened and compassion is fostered. Some people are grateful by nature, but you can train yourself to develop gratitude. Make time to make a list of things you’re thankful for, every day.
3 Ways You Can Find Happiness From The Little Things In Life
We all have so many many blessings in disguise but we fail to notice them. We simply don’t recognise them or just take them for granted. Life is full of little things that make a big difference.
Here are 3 simple steps on how to get happiness in life with little things:
1. Celebrate Little Things
Here’s how you can celebrate your small wins in life:
- You can celebrate good weather by going walking with a friend;
- As a way of celebrating the accomplishment of someone around you, give them a small gift;
- When you complete a challenging task, reward yourself with something you enjoy, or buy a hug ring for yourself.
2. Be Mindful
Being present now is the best gift you can give yourself. This type of awareness is also known as mindfulness – bringing out positive vibes that come out from gratitude. When you start living with more awareness, everything around seems beautiful, and you can enjoy life to the fullest.
3. Know What’s Important
If someone asks you, what is the most important thing in your life? You may not have an answer just yet and that’s completely fine. Or, if you have too many things that are important to you, it’s likely to be because you are not connected with yourself. The question you can ask yourself is – how to find happiness within yourself. Connect yourself with what is important and disconnect with what is not. You’ll feel better and remain in touch with everything you care about when you bring more positivity into your life.
Let’s conclude with this revealing quote from the classic, Oprah Winfrey: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
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