Dogs aren’t picky eaters by any stretch of the imagination. However, this doesn’t mean that everything that they eat is good for them. As a dog parent, you should know how certain foods affect your dog. Be aware of which food items are unsafe for your dog, so you can keep them safe. You want to give everything best for your lovely canine whether it’s a new toy or clothes, so don’t compromise when it comes to food, give only the best dog food to them. Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption may be toxic to your dog, posing a serious threat to their health and well-being. Why? Because a dog’s metabolism is different from your metabolism. Your dog’s body can’t process all types of food the way your body can, so foods that are just fine for you can be bad news for your dog. So consciously choose foods good for dogs and give them a healthy and happy life!
10 Foods Good For Dogs To Eat Daily
1. Vegetables

Learn what vegetables are good for dogs because not all can be given to them. Your dog can have a healthy snack of carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber slices, or zucchini slices. Even a plain baked potato is OK. Don’t let your dog eat any raw potatoes or any potato plants from your pantry or garden.
2. Fresh Fruits

One way you can enrich your dog’s diet is by adding extra fruits to their treats. Is watermelon good for dogs? Yes, watermelon along with some other fruits like slices of apples, oranges, mangoes and bananas (due to their high sugar content, bananas should only be given occasionally and regarded firmly as a treat) make tasty treats for your dog. But remember to take out any seeds first. Seeds, stems, and leaves can cause serious problems.
3. Fish

Do you wonder ‘is fish good for dogs?’ The answer is yes. Fish contains good fats and amino acids, giving your dog a nice health boost. Salmon and sardines are especially beneficial — salmon because it’s loaded with vitamins and protein, and sardines because they have soft, digestible bones for extra calcium. Except for sardines, be sure to pick out all the tiny bones, which can be tedious but is necessary. Never feed your dog uncooked or undercooked fish, only fully cooked and cooled, and limit your dog’s fish intake to no more than twice a week.
4. Cooked White Rice And Pasta

Is rice good for dogs? Dogs can eat plain white rice or pasta after it’s cooked. And, a serving of plain white rice with some boiled chicken can sometimes make your dog feel better when they are having stomach problems.
5. Wheat And Grains

Dogs can eat wheat and other grains. Dogs do not have to be grain-free; it is perfectly OK for them to have grains. Grains like wheat and corn are great sources of protein, essential fatty acids, and fibre. If your dog has certain allergies, however, it might be best to avoid grains, but it truly depends on your dog. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations.
6. Yoghurt And Dairy Products

Yoghurt is OK for dogs. Plain yoghurt and milk are perfectly acceptable for dogs. But be cautious because some dogs are lactose-intolerant. If your dog can digest it, the active bacteria in yoghurt can help strengthen the digestive system with probiotics. Plain yoghurt is the best choice. Avoid any yoghurts with added sugar, and skip yoghurts with artificial sweeteners.
7. Bread

Dogs can eat bread. Small amounts of plain bread (no spices) won’t hurt your dog, but it also won’t provide any health benefits. It has no nutritional value and can pack on carbohydrates and calories, just like in people. Homemade bread is a better option than store-bought, as bread from the grocery store typically contains unnecessary preservatives, but it’s best to avoid it altogether.
8. Peanuts

Dogs can eat peanuts and also peanut butter (Read the label carefully to be sure the peanut butter does not contain xylitol, a sugar substitute that can be toxic to dogs). Unlike almonds, peanuts are safe for dogs to eat. They’re packed with good fats and proteins that can benefit your dog. Just be sure to give peanuts in moderation, as you don’t want your dog taking in too much fat, which can lead to pancreas issues. Also, avoid salted peanuts. Too much salt is hard for dogs to process.
9. Honey

Yes, dogs can eat honey. Honey is packed with countless nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, and antioxidants. Feeding dogs small amounts of honey can help with allergies because it introduces small amounts of pollen to their systems, building up immunity to allergens in your area. In addition to consuming honey, the sticky spread can also be used as a topical treatment for burns and superficial cuts.
10. Eggs

Eggs are safe for dogs as long as they are fully cooked. Cooked eggs are a wonderful source of protein and can help an upset stomach. However, eating raw egg whites can contribute to biotin deficiency, so be sure to cook the eggs all the way through before giving them to your pet.
10 Foods To Avoid For Dogs
1. Anything Containing The Sweetener Xylitol

Xylitol is a type of artificial sweetener found in many sugar-free products like gum and candy, as well as some nut butter like peanut butter. Xylitol can cause insulin release, which can lead to liver failure, seizures and brain damage in your pet.
You can treat your dog to Native Tongue Unsweetened Peanut Butter from the Red Dot Shop here because it is only made of peanuts and doesn’t contain Xylitol.
2. Chocolate, Coffee And Caffeine

While many dog owners are already familiar with the chocolate warning, you should know that chocolate, coffee and caffeine all contain substances called methylxanthines, which are very dangerous to a pet’s health. Note that dark chocolate is more dangerous than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest level of methylxanthines, while baking chocolate contains the highest.
3. Onions, Garlic And Chives

In all forms (powdered, raw, cooked), these foods can cause gastrointestinal irritation in pets and could lead to red blood cell damage. While cats are more susceptible, dogs are also at risk if they consume enough of any of these foods.
4. Raw/Undercooked Meat, Eggs And Bones

Raw meat and eggs can often contain bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli, which can be harmful to both pets and humans. According to the ASPCA, raw eggs also ‘contain an enzyme called avidin that decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin), which can lead to skin and coat problems.’
Raw bones can also be very dangerous for domesticated animals, as they can choke on them, and if the bone splinters, it could get stuck in or puncture your pet’s digestive tract.
5. Grapes And Raisins

If you’re wondering ‘are grapes good for dogs?’, then the answer is no. Watch that glob of fruit salad you dropped on the ground, and keep the oatmeal and raisin cookies away from your dog. Although experts haven’t nailed down exactly what the toxic substance is residing in grapes and raisins, they say it’s best to avoid giving them to dogs, as they can cause kidney failure.
6. Salt And Salty Snack Foods

Salt, as well as salt-heavy foods like chips and pretzels, can lead to excessive thirst and urination, and even sodium ion poisoning in pets. Some signs that your pet may have consumed too much salt include vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, seizures and even death.
7. Nuts

Nuts, including almonds, pecans and walnuts, contain high amounts of oils and fats, which can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even pancreatitis in pets. Dogs should never eat macadamia nuts. These are some of the most poisonous foods for dogs. Macadamia nuts, part of the Proteaceae family, and can cause vomiting, increased body temperature, inability to walk, and lethargy. Even worse, they can affect the nervous system. Never feed your dog macadamia nuts.
8. Some Fruits

Do you ever wonder ‘is tomato good for dogs to eat?’ Dogs should avoid tomatoes, avocado, cherries, persimmons, peaches and also plums. Seeds from persimmons can cause problems in a dog’s small intestine. They can also block their intestines. That can also happen if a dog eats the pit from a peach or plum. Peach, cherries and plums also have cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs. The pit, skin, and leaves of avocados contain persin, a toxin that often causes vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs.
9. Ice Cream

Dogs shouldn’t eat ice cream. As refreshing of a treat as the ice cream is, it contains lots of sugar so it is best not to share with your dog. Also, some dogs have lactose intolerance. To avoid the milk altogether, freeze chunks of strawberries, raspberries, apples, and pineapples to give to your dog as a sweet, icy treat.
10. Alcohol And Raw Bread Dough

Small amounts of alcohol found in drinks, syrups and raw bread dough can be poisonous to dogs. These products contain ethanol, and beer also contains hops, both of which can cause alcohol intoxication. Dogs who show signs of alcohol intoxication like vomiting, high body temperature, excessive panting should be monitored by a vet until they recover, as it can cause the failure of the organ systems and even death. The yeast in raw bread dough can also cause stomach expansion, which can result in tissue damage and difficulty breathing.
10 Essential Diet Tips For Your Dog

Choosing to raise a dog is a big responsibility. Just as with a child, you’ve welcomed another living being into your household and family. We probably don’t have to tell you to take care of your dog, but your dog will have very different needs from your child regarding food.
- Do not overfeed and limit treats
- Introduce fresh whole foods
- Use certified organic vegetables and fruit when possible
- Avoid gluten
- Wash non-organic produce in apple cider vinegar
- Wash bowls with vinegar
- Diet and exercise go hand in hand, learn about fun ways to exercise with your dog here
- Make sure your dog doesn’t eat too fast or exercise too soon after eating
- Choose home-prepared diets
- Leave the water bowl filled and somewhere easily accessible by your dog
Best Dog Food Recommendations

Homemade food and Royal Canin, Royal Canin, Grain Zero, Farmina N&D Grain-Free are a few of the best dry dog food brands available in India. Himalaya Healthy, Pedigree, Orijen and Acana have also been rated in the top under the best dog food category. When choosing the best dog food for puppies you will want to consider Taste of the Wild and Nutra Gold.
You need to be careful about what your pets get their paws on. Always ask yourself what foods can dogs eat before serving your lovely pet their food. If you are unsure if you can feed a particular food item to your dog, always consult your veterinarian first. While it can be hard to ignore those puppy dog eyes looking at you at the dinner table, feeding your dog can often result in weight gain among other more serious issues. To keep your dog out of harm’s way, it is best to stick to a diet of food specifically formulated to meet your dog’s nutritional needs. Think you know your dog the best? Then check if you have what it takes to rock this dog lovers’ quiz!