Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of July every year, National Parents’ Day is all about acknowledging and appreciating the efforts and sacrifices of parents. This special day is dedicated to celebrating parenthood and also to encouraging smart and responsible parenting.
Parents’ Day History & Significances
National Parents’ Day is celebrated to signify the important role of parents in a child’s life and the unparalleled bond of love, trust and respect between them.
National Parents’ Day was proclaimed an official day in 1994 in the United States after former President Bill Clinton signed a congressional resolution to the same effect. According to the congressional resolution, Parents’ Day is established for “recognizing, uplifting, and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children”. The first-ever Parents’ Day was celebrated on July 28, 1995.
National Parents’ Day is celebrated to signify the important role of parents in a child’s life and the unparalleled bond of love, trust and respect between them. On this day, we pay tribute to parents for all the hard work they put into raising a responsible individual.
6 Exciting Parents’ Day Celebration Ideas
Parent’s Day is the perfect excuse to spend some quality time with your mom and dad, and to spoil them rotten. Here are a few ways in which you can celebrate this special day:
1. Give Them A Personalised Gift
A personalised gift or a card has a personal touch and sentimental value that can make your parents feel special and appreciated. It will be a personal keepsake that they can cherish for a very long time. You can engrave their name, print a photograph, or a beautiful message on a card, cup or photo frame.
2. Have A Family Picnic
A picnic is a great way of spending a good time with your parents on this National Parents’ Day. It can be as simple as you want. You can pack your parents’ favourite treats, carry out a few sheets and cushions in the backyard, and set up a picnic. Or, maybe you can go to a park and enjoy your favourite meals in nature and fresh air. The choice is yours!
3. Cook Something Together
Celebrate Parents’ Day by cooking an exclusive meal along with your parents. It will be a great bonding experience that will create new memories that you and your parents are going to cherish forever.
4. Take A Walk Down Memory Lane
Get that old family photo album out of the attic and go through it with your parents.
Get that old family photo album out of the attic and go through it with your parents. This will not only bring up old memories but will also create new ones. Have a conversation about the stories behind every photograph. You can also share your favourite memories of them, and remind them of wonderful things that they did and what those meant for you.
5. Have A Movie Night
Watching a movie with your parents is another great way of spending quality time. Select a movie that you and your parents can enjoy together and prepare some snacks and you are good to go.
6. Show Appreciation
Let your parents know how much you love them and how grateful you are for their efforts and sacrifices.
It is important to show the appreciation you feel towards your parents to make them feel special. Let your parents know how much you love them and how grateful you are for their efforts and sacrifices. It will not only make them happy but also strengthen your bond with them.
6 Effective Tips For Parents To Raise A Responsible Individual
Raising a child is one of the hardest but most rewarding things you will ever do in your life. The thing is, there is no fixed set of rules for parenting because every child and parent relationship is unique. Here are a few parenting tips to help you in raising a responsible individual:
1. Be A Good Role Model
This point is at the top of every list of positive parenting tips and rightly so! Children tend to imitate their parents, so try to be the person you want them to become. Be kind and respectful to your child and others. Keep your promises and your child will follow suit.
2. Listen To Them
Try to avoid distractions while talking to your child. Give them your full attention when they are expressing their feelings, so they can feel free to share anything with you. When you show them that you care about what they are saying and value their opinion, it boosts their confidence and also encourages them to be a good listener.
3. Express Your Love
Every parent loves their children, but it is extremely important to tell them that you love them. Compliment them for every good thing they accomplish. Make sure they know that no matter what, you will always love them.
4. Communicate
This is probably one of the most important parenting tips. Communication is the key to every relationship and your relationship with your child is no different. Don’t just expect them to do something because you want them to do it. Give them reasons and explanations. Don’t be rigid and negotiate with your child if necessary.
5. Set Limits
Next up on our list of positive parenting tips is setting limits for your children. Establish limits and rules for your child and be consistent with the consequences if they do something wrong. Discipline is very necessary to help them to learn self-control and it also helps them to grow into a responsible individual.
6. Let Them Handle Their Problems
Be there for your child in every situation, but don’t rush to take them out of every problem. Let them think of the solution by themselves. This will increase their confidence and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions.
Parents are our first teachers who introduce us to the world and its way! The special bond between a parent and a child is worth celebrating and Parents’ Day gives us that opportunity. Also, apart from our mother and father, there are people in our lives, who love us and believe in us and are parent-like figures for us. On this National Parents’ Day, reach out to all those people and remind them what they mean to you. #BeALittleMore proactive when it comes to expressing love and gratitude.
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