Smoking tobacco is one of the commonest addictions in the world today. It is also the commonest risk factor that leads to fatal diseases like heart attack, cancer, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Quitting smoking has beneficial effects on every organ system of your body. A lot of smokers have tried to quit unassisted and have failed in doing so. A scientific approach is essential to help smokers quit effectively.
Smoking tobacco is one of the commonest addictions in the world today. It is also the commonest risk factor that leads to fatal diseases like heart attack, cancer, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Quitting smoking has beneficial effects on every organ system of your body. A lot of smokers have tried to quit unassisted and have failed in doing so. A scientific approach is essential to help smokers quit effectively.
World No Tobacco Day is observed on May 31 of every year. The primary purpose of commemorating the day is to focus on the health risks associated with tobacco usage.
World No Tobacco Day History
The World Health Organization (WHO) had passed a resolution on April 7, 1988, announcing the day as ‘World No Smoking Day’. The objective was to inspire people to kick the butt for at least 24 hours and understand how to quit smoking. However, WHO announced later in the same year that ‘World No Tobacco Day’ will be observed on May 31 annually. From then on, the day started being celebrated as ‘World No Tobacco Day’ every year throughout the world.
9 Possible Health Hazards Of Smoking Tobacco
It is important for you to know that smoking may lead to the following health hazards, so that you start looking at how to stop smoking naturally.
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Lung diseases
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), including emphysema and chronic bronchitis
- Tuberculosis
- Diseases related to the immune system like rheumatoid arthritis
- Certain eye diseases
In collaboration with The Channel 46, Dr Preyas Vaidya, Consultant-Pulmonologist & Sleep Medicine Expert, Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, offers advice on a list of practical tips that will help you stay away from smoking.
1. Set A Date
The best way to quit smoking is to leave it point blank rather than reducing the number of cigarettes and quitting over a prolonged span of time.
The best way to quit smoking is to leave it point blank rather than reducing the number of cigarettes and quitting over a prolonged span of time. Select an important personal date to quit like birthday, loved ones’ birthday, anniversary or first day of the year and stay put to the plan.
2. Seek Medical Support
It is encouraged to take support of a friend, loved one or preferably a professional. They can help you stay true to your plan. Professionals can also help you with pharmacotherapy to avoid the urges and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
3. Seek A Replacement For Nicotine
There are multiple forms in which nicotine replacement is available, like chewing gum, patches, sprays etc. This is very helpful for heavy smokers who plan to quit.
Read 7 Ways Smoking Can Impact You & Your Partner’s Infertility
4. Avoid Triggers
It is extremely important to be mindful and avoid the triggers that remind you of smoking. It could be social situations or bars or any professional situation. It is important to know that the thought of bowing to pressure of having even one cigarette can be detrimental to the quitting plan.
5. Pursue A Physical Activity To Control The Urges
Physical activity works very well in suppressing the urge to smoke.
Try and follow some physical activity when you have the urge to smoke. It can be a simple activity like walking down the hallway for 15-20mins or going up and down a flight of stairs twice. Enrol yourself in a fitness programme at a nearby fitness centre and work towards a better you. Or start brisk walking or running. Physical activity works very well in suppressing the urge to smoke.
6. Focus On Relaxation Techniques
Learn yoga or indulge in meditation to relax your mind. Meditation has been reported to help recover from addictions, Anxiety, and Depression.
7. Keep Yourself Preoccupied With New Skills
It is a beneficial way to improve your quality of life, skills, and to distract your mind. Learning a new thing or acquiring a new skill distracts your mind from addiction and will help you in staying away from smoking.
Read 10 Ways Smoking Affects Women’s Health
8. Seek The Companionship Of Support Groups
Join a support group, read a quitters’ blog or use quit smoking helplines to stay on the path and not deviate from it.
Join a support group, read a quitters’ blog or use quit smoking helplines to stay on the path and not deviate from it. Support groups work very well and listening to positive reinforcements guide you in quitting smoking.
Read Dr Prashant On Smoking & Women’s Health
9. Reward Yourself
Have short-term and long-term goals once you quit smoking. Reward yourself whenever you achieve the goals. It’s not a small feat!
10. Always Focus On The Benefits
Think about the good things that you can do with a healthier self and with the financial savings that you make.
Prolonged better quality of life, keeping your close ones away from secondhand smoke, and the financial savings are not minor things. Think about the good things that you can do with a healthier self and with the financial savings that you make.
8 Tips To Cope With Withdrawal Symptoms
Nicotine withdrawal is the leading problem with the success of quitting smoking. This can last anywhere between 2 weeks and 4 weeks. Here are tips to help with withdrawal symptoms.
1. Drink Water
When you want to know how to stop smoking cravings, this is one mantra that you should definitely practise. Drink a bottle or big glass of water, but slowly. Not only does it help with cravings, staying hydrated is also important to keep nicotine withdrawal under check.
2. Switch To Oral Substitute
As mentioned previously, replacing smoking with an oral substitute helps during cravings. You can try gum, mints, or sunflower seeds. Chewing or sucking on drinking straws can also be an option.
3. Stay Active Physically
Keep your physical self, specifically your hands, busy working at the laptop, play a mobile game, using a pen or pencil, or squeezing a ball, etc.
4. Stay Mentally Active
Listen to music, cook or bake, work, read, do a crossword – anything that catches your fancy and helps you to keep your mind away from the urge to smoke.
5. Light Up Other Items
Try lighting up a scented candle or some incense sticks to assuage the urge of lighting up a cigarette.
6. Avoid People Who Smoke
Stay away from people who smoke and from smoking zones because they might make you want to take a smoke.
7. Keep Yourself Relaxed
Meditate, take a warm shower or a bubble bath, read or exercise whatever helps you to stay calm at all times.
8. Get Active
Last but not the least, maintain a regular fitness routine. Do yoga, walk, jog, HIIT – anything you find interest in.
With some self-determination and a regulated lifestyle, you can overcome anything. And understanding how to quit smoking is definitely one of them. It is important to quit for 28 days. Then the chances of success of quitting are multi-fold. The advantages of quitting smoking start within 24 hours. Once you understand the scientific method of how to stop smoking and then practise it judiciously, the day when you have actually kicked the butt won’t be far away.
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