10 Expert Tips To Deal With The Postpartum Body Emotionally, Mentally, And Physically

To understand more, TC46 connected with Dr Ruth Fernandes, Consultant Clinical Psychiatrist of Motherhood Hospital, Pune. Here she explains causes, risk factors, challenges, and ways to deal with them.

10 Expert Tips To Deal With The Postpartum Body Emotionally, Mentally, And Physically
10 Expert Tips To Deal With The Postpartum Body Emotionally, Mentally, And Physically

1. Postpartum Depression Is A Change That Occurs After Childbirth

Postpartum depression is an emotional and behavioural change that occurs in some women after childbirth. They may experience symptoms of sadness, irritability, loss of interest, crying spells, guilt, inability to care for the baby, and in severe cases, thoughts of self-harm. The symptoms usually appear within a couple of weeks of delivery up to a year of childbirth.

10 Expert Tips To Deal With The Postpartum Body Emotionally, Mentally, And Physically

2. There Is No Specific Cause Of Postpartum Depression

There is no specific or single cause for postpartum depression. However, the dramatic drop in estrogen and progesterone levels after birth may be a significant factor. Risk factors like past history of depression, marital conflicts, family history of depression (especially postpartum depression), sleep deprivation, lack of support may be contributory. There is also a sudden shift in the lifestyle of the mother wherein she may have concerns about her identity and changes in her body.

3. Signs & Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression To Look Out For

– The feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and/or loneliness – Being too anxious or too worried about little things – Finding it hard to make decisions – Losing interest in otherwise fun activities – Being on the edge feeling – Inability to care for the baby – Crying spells

4. Giving Birth Is A Life Changing Experience

Giving birth to a child is a big deal. It is life-changing for a female that makes her responsible for another life. Once a woman gives birth to a child, her body has gone through such a great deal of change. She has gained weight, she has stretch marks all over her body, and her breasts may feel heavy and sore. If she has had a C-section the stitches need to heal. Here are 10 vital things you need to know about a C-section.

5. Try These Ways To Cope With This Emotional Time

1. Support groups: To help cope with this emotional time there are many mothers and babies’ support groups that mothers can join. In this kind of support group, all mothers share their daily struggles and small achievements that they go through with their new baby and other mothers go and listen so that they know that they are going through the same struggles. 2. Family support: The family should help the mother in this new phase and should not disapprove of any feelings because that might further push her not to share her thoughts with one.