10 Ways To Increase Concentration In Kids


1. Observe Your Little One’s Behaviour & Movements

Simply just sit back and observe your kid when he or she is indulging in an action. Be it playing, talking, studying or any other activity. Try to understand their expressions, reactions, and most importantly, motivations behind their actions.


2. Give Your Child A Distraction-free Environment

Some kids have serious trouble in filtering out noise. Hence, they require a distraction-free environment to concentrate. Ensure that they have a peaceful ambience without loud music, TV, or any other source of distraction when they sit to study.


3. Limit Their Screen Time

Today’s world has opened a lot of avenues when it comes to the digital space not only for adults but also for kids. However, these modernised electronic amenities like PlayStation, iPad, laptop, and other gadgets hinder their focus and cause a significant distraction.


4. Set Achievable Goals

Divide your kid’s study time into several categories, involving interesting, interactive and fun activities. Don’t make their study time boring and draggy. Prepare a timetable and assign a time slot for all their activities like play, screen, and study time. Motivate them to finish a particular task within a specified time.


5. Assign Daily Responsibilities To Your Kids

Assigning simple daily tasks to your kids will not only improve their attention and concentration skills but will also make them disciplined. The responsibilities will depend on the age of your child. They can include simple tasks like setting the table, organising their desk and wardrobe, cleaning their room, arranging their toys and books, etc.


6. Break Lengthy Tasks Into Smaller Units

Break down time-consuming and difficult tasks into small parts. Once they complete one part of the big task then they can move on to the next smaller part. It becomes easier for them to concentrate, complete the task, and be interested at the same time. There are a number of concentration games for kids available in the market that will help your child to be more focussed.


7. Schedule A Fixed Study Time

Repeating the same activity every day at the same hour is most likely to turn into a habit. And habit formation sometimes can elicit favourable results. Make your child sit down and study every day at the same hour. Eventually, it will come naturally to him or her to sit and do the activity that they are habituated to practice at that particular time. It will be less of an effort and more of regular practice.


8. Encourage Them To Be Physically Active

Wondering about how to improve children’s concentration and focus? Give them the extra push to be physically active and fit. Significant research highlights that physical activities like running, cycling, exercising, or playing a sport regularly will not only make your kid physically fit but will also improve their focus and concentration skills.


9. Deep Breathing Exercises Give Fruitful Results

Some simple breathing exercises and meditation, when practised routinely, can have a profound impact on your child’s mental abilities, especially like concentration and focus. Make your kid practice simple and easy deep breathing exercises early morning when the air is generally in its purest form. This will help them to be more focussed in their tasks and activities.


10. Keep Rewarding Them

Kids feel motivated and happy whenever they are rewarded after finishing a task or if they perform well in it. This feeling of accomplishment makes them more dedicated towards their task. It sparks their competitive spirit and desire to perform better. Hence, praise your child or give them small rewards after they complete their work on time or perform well.


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