10 Widespread Myths About Breast Cancer Busted By An Oncologist


Myth 1: A breast injury can cause breast cancer  

No, breast injury cannot cause breast cancer. It may cause swelling and bruise on one’s breast with pain, but it cannot be the leading cause of cancer. There is no scientific data to back up the myth either. In some cases, a minor injury may lead to fat necrosis


Myth 2: No one in my family had breast cancer, so I won’t develop it  

A very false and misleading statement. To burst the bubble, 75% of breast cancer cases are in women with no family history of the disease. However, having a family member (parent, sibling, offspring) or close kin with breast cancer highly increases almost doubles the chances and risk factors of the disease in one.


Myth 3: Breast cancer only happens to older adults  

No, breast cancer can affect anyone at any age for that matter. Globally, 5% of the breast cancer cases are among women under the age of 40yrs, so it doesn’t just happen to older adults. Everyone must be aware of the risk factors which put them in danger.


Myth 4: Men do not get breast cancer  

It is an often-misunderstood statement that only women get Breast Cancer. In reality, though rare, men too can develop the disease. Statistically, men account for 1% of every Breast Cancer case.


Myth 5: All lumps in the breast signal breast cancer  

No, not all lumps in the breast signal breast cancer, many are benign cysts like Fibroadenoma (frequent in women younger than 50). However, they are the most common symptom of the disease. These lumps are mostly hard and painless, but some may be painful, it varies.


Myth 6: Deodorants can cause breast cancer  

There is no substantial scientific or medical evidence to prove that deodorants cause breast cancer. The assumed theory is that the harmful chemicals and toxins in the deodorants accumulate in the breast lymph nodes, damaging the healthy cells and making them cancerous.


Myth 7: Nipple piercings increase breast cancer risk  

Nipple piercings do not increase one’s breast cancer risk. Though, there are some health side-effects with symptoms that resemble that of breast cancer. Some of the common adverse effects from nipple piercings are nerve damage, infections, hematoma


Myth 8: Mammograms cause breast cancer to spread  

No mammograms do not let breast cancer spread. Yes, there is radiation but the exposure is very limited, hence, risks are extremely low. This breast examination is essential to diagnose the disease.


Myth 9: If there is no lump, there is no cancer  

Though lumps in the breast, armpits, around the collarbone are the most commonly occurring symptom of breast cancer, it is not the only sign. Some other exhibitory signs to be aware of are: – Discharge from the nipple – Flaky skin or cracking of the nipple – Dimpling around the nipple


Myth 10: Sleeping with a bra causes breast cancer  

There is no credible source that suggests sleeping with a bra causes cancer. Some other myths around this include that an underwire bra causes breast cancer by blocking the lymph nodes, however, again there is no proof for it.


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