12 Common Pregnancy Depression Symptoms


Pregnancy takes a lot of physical and emotional strength. Your body goes  through several changes which also include hormonal fluctuations. The  emotional changes that a woman goes through impacts the way she feels  about herself and the world around her. You must have heard about the  postpartum depression (feeling of extreme sadness post birth) but did  you know that many women also suffer from depression during the course  of pregnancy, which is also known as prenatal depression.


Emotional health – You will be feeling low in pregnancy, overwhelmed and hopeless and these feelings won’t seem to go away.


Problems with sleeping – Depression affects your sleeping patterns. You may have to deal with the consequences of insomnia.


Mood swings – Mood swings and emotional instability are two of the most common symptoms of depression.


Anxiety – You will feel as if you are worried about everything. Self-doubt and inability to perform tasks correctly.


Appetite changes – You will feel changes in your eating and hunger pattern.


Withdrawal from family and friends – You would not feel good about interacting with your loved ones.


Loss of interest in your hobbies – You would not want to do things that you once enjoyed.


Being unsure of motherhood – Low less esteem and feelings of inadequacy about becoming a mother.


Suicidal thoughts – Pregnant women with depression may nurther thoughts of committing suicide.


Excessive or poor weight gain – Lack of a healthy  diet required during pregnancy and no attention to fitness often leads  to unhealthy weight gain or loss. This, in turn, creates negative  feelings.


Unhealthy lifestyle habits – Continuing with  healthy lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking or using drugs, or  taking to these habits despite being pregnant may also indicate a mood  disorder.


Lack of proper prenatal care – Mood swings and  emotional instability may make a pregnant women incapable of taking care  of her physical and emotional wellbeing during this critical time.


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