3 Elements Affecting Pay Gap In India
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3 Elements Affecting Pay Gap In India


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1. Occupational Preferences  

The rate of female participation in the paid labour market is generally low, and is primarily concentrated in rural areas in the agricultural sector. Certain activities in agriculture have been assigned specifically to women, like drying and storing the grain, while other tasks like ploughing and harvesting are only performed by men.

3 Elements Affecting Pay Gap In India
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2. Education

Women in India often receive an insufficient amount of education and preparation for the workforce. The educational training they do obtain tends to be of poorer quality. Investment in education and training has also been strongly in favour of men as they are brought up

3 Elements Affecting Pay Gap In India
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3. Family Duties

Women are ‘supposed to’ take on the position of caretaker, which leaves less time for pursuing careers outside of the home. Women face discrimination in the workforce due to the assumed idea of motherhood. Investment in education is geared more toward men because women are labelled as “future homemakers”.

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