The Channel 46
Almost every other week we hear about a new skincare product that beauty experts and influencers swear by! But very few of these manage to stand the test of time. And essential oils are definitely one of the top contenders on that list. From oily skin and acne to dry skin and signs of ageing, this wonderful ingredient is the perfect solution for all your skin woes. Oily skin is a result of overactive sebaceous glands and this condition can further worsen depending on factors like heat, hormones, and humidity. Include these essential oils in your skincare regime to combat oily skin problems.
1. Clary Sage Essential Oil Thanks to its geranyl and linalyl acetate content, this essential oil is quite effective in controlling excess sebum produced by sebaceous glands of the skin. It can also help with problems like acne and signs of ageing.
2. Rosemary Oil For Skin Rosemary benefits for skin are a result of its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It also exhibits stimulating benefits. Rosemary oil for the skin can help control excess sebum protection.
3. Frankincense Essential Oil Users swear by the effectiveness of this essential oil. Frankincense essential oil for skin is known to help with skin problems like excess oil and acne. It can also help tackle signs of ageing.
The Channel 46