Being friends doesn’t imply that you’ll be comfortable discussing anything and everything all the time with him/her. There will always be certain incidents and experiences that you wouldn’t want to look back at, least of all being discussed.
The friendship exists only because of you. If that is the case, it’s time to let go and see whether your friend ever takes the initiative to get back to you on his/her own. All your friend can talk about is themselves – what happened in his/her life, home and family, with other friends, his/her plans and dreams, et al. Non-stop.
That’s a clear sign of an unhealthy friendship, one you should put an end to immediately. Because it’s doing you more harm than good, not just now but in the long-term as well. Your friend hates to see you in any other friend’s presence. Your friend either does everything he/she can, to prevent you from having other friends or, at the least, enjoy anybody else’s company.