3 Treatment Options For Depression During Pregnancy


Pregnancy takes a lot of physical and emotional strength. Your body goes  through several changes which also include hormonal fluctuations. The  emotional changes that a woman goes through impacts the way she feels  about herself and the world around her. You must have heard about the  postpartum depression (feeling of extreme sadness post birth) but did  you know that many women also suffer from depression during the course  of pregnancy, which is also known as prenatal depression. Depression can have a lot of consequences on your baby’s health. The  good thing is that there are a number of treatments available to reduce  the risks and brush away the pregnancy blues.


Non-drug treatments – Many mothers don’t require  medication for the treatment of their depression. Doctors suggest them  to go for therapies, support groups, lifestyle changes, etc.


Antidepressants – If the symptoms are a bit serious then your doctor will suggest you to go for antidepressants.


A Combination Of Therapy & Medication – If the  doctor feels that there is a need for both psychotherapy and  antidepressants, he/she will probably recommend you to a professional  and prescribe you medications that will keep the symptoms of depression  under control without harming your unborn child.


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