The Channel 46

4 Hacks You Need To Keep In Mind While Finalising your Wedding Theme

Every girl has a dream of having a shandaar wedding in their own way, whatever your definition of the word may be. Some grand, Big Fat Indian wedding while some others, intimate and minimalistic. But there are some elements that remain constant. What kind of flowers would you want for the decor, what colour palette would you like to go for, what about the other festoons you are obsessed with for your wedding theme? However, as the time for the wedding nears, there are a lot of questions that you might come across. The major one being – what kind of theme wedding do you want? If you have a straightforward answer to this question, woman, you are on fire. If you don’t, don’t worry at all, we’ve got you covered.

Indian weddings are no less than a royal get-together. You have guests, relatives, friends, and everything that makes your world, but remember it is your day. And, hence, as the bride and the groom, you need to be mindful of the wedding themes. Pick something that represents your personality and not one that will appeal to your dear ones.

Plan well in advance, if that’s possible. That way, you will be able to avoid all the last moment glitches and hassles as much as possible.

Note down everything. Literally everything. Right from the start to the end. And follow the list closely. Remember to tick off every task after completing them, to avoid confusions later.

Communicate well with your partner and the vent managers, so that everyone involved in implementing your wedding theme is in sync with what you want.

The Channel 46

4 Hacks You Need To Keep In Mind While Finalising your Wedding Theme