The Channel 46

4-Point Checklist For Would-Be-Moms To Carry To The Hospital

A new life full of tiny coos and giggles needs all the love and care there is to offer !! New mothers may feel confused about caring for their newborn due to lack of experience. Therefore, it is better to stick to a good checklist while packing for your little one. Here are a few essentials you simply cannot miss while making a hospital bag checklist for the baby.

Swaddle Cloth Wrapping the newborn in a swaddle cloth is the best way to ensure that they remain warm and get a feeling of security. A good quality swaddle cloth made of soft material deservedly finds a place at the top of your delivery bag list.

Pair Of Clothes Many hospitals have a norm of using their own clothes for newborns throughout the hospital stay, for hygiene purposes. However, you definitely want your angel to look absolutely adorable while you take them home where a warm welcome awaits. Choose the prettiest of clothes for your little bundle of joy when you take them home!

Blanket While hospitals provide warm and comfortable blankets for the baby, your nesting instincts may urge you to purchase that super lovable, cosy blanket for your soon to be born angel. Carrying an extra blanket is always a wise idea. You may use it to wrap your infant while bringing them home.

Burp Cloth A burp cloth could be any soft, long piece of cloth that can be laid over the shoulder by the one who burps the baby after every feed. This is very important as babies tend to spit up a certain amount of milk while they burp. The burp cloth prevents the clothes of the new mother or the baby’s attendant from getting spoilt.

The Channel 46

4-Point Checklist For Would-Be-Moms To Carry To The Hospital