4 Steps On How To Drink Wine The Right Way


Step 1: Choose The Right Glass

The glass determines the real aroma of the wine. As per research, wine tastes the best when served in the right shaped glass. The stem of the glass being long or short does not matter. The shape of the glass vessel matters.


Step 2: Test The Wine

It’s best to ask for recommendations for wine, especially at bars or at the wine store. Tasting the wine before choosing an entire glass is a great way to go. Ask yourself whether you want a sweet wine, dry wine which is an unsweetened wine, crisp or smooth wine. The choices are aplenty.


Step 3: Smell The Wine

This is the entire plot of the process of wine drinking! So do not skip this. It looks funny when everyone around is directly just drinking their beer or vodka and you’re busy smelling your wine. But wine is no fun without swirling it and smelling it. Go ahead, swirl and smell the wine and take in the amazing aromas.


Step 4: Taste Your Wine

Take small sips of the wine. Let it move around your palate and absorb all of its flavours. Then swallow it and enjoy the after taste of the wine.


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