The Channel 46

4 Tips to Maintain Hydrated Lips During Winters

Drink plenty of water Staying hydrated is important for overall health. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep your lips and skin hydrated.

Avoid licking your lips While it may be tempting to lick your lips when they feel dry, this actually makes your pout feel drier. Licking your lips can remove the natural oils from your skin, which can lead to further dryness and chapping.

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Use a lip balm In addition to using lip oil, you may also want to consider using a lip balm to provide an additional layer of protection and hydration for your lips. Just be sure to choose a lip balm that is formulated with nourishing ingredients, rather than one that is loaded with synthetic fragrances and chemicals.

Exfoliate your lips Exfoliating your lips can help to remove dead skin cells and improve circulation. With that, healthy and soft lips won’t be too far away.