
5 At-Home Exercises To Strengthen Your Lower Back


Reverse Lunges With Knee Lifts – Stand with your feet wider apart than the shoulder-width length – Use your left foot to step backwards, ensuring that you land on the ball of the foot – While doing this, bend both your knees so that they create two 90-degree angles – Return to the standing position – While you do so, lift your left knee toward your chest – Repeat the same with the other side



Good Morning – Stand with your feet apart at hip-width length and arms behind your head – Bend from the hips until your chest is parallel to the floor, maintaining a flat back and legs straight – Return to the standing position from where you had started to complete one rep



Warrior Balance – Stand and bring your right knee up to the height of your hip – Bend the elbows to bring them by your shoulders, which is your starting position – Bend forward from the hip till your torso is parallel to the ground and take your hands forwards while pushing your right leg behind you – Pause for second before reversing the movements back to your original position to complete one rep – Now, repeat the same with the other side like you do for such outer and inner thigh workouts


Plié Squat Calf Raises – For these lower body workouts at home, stand with feet wider than shoulder-width length with your toes turned out, keeping your hands in front of your chest or on the hips – Push yourself downwards till your thighs are parallel to the floor – While maintaining the position, lift both the heel off the ground, holding this for 2 seconds – Next, lower the heels back to the original position


Frog Pump – For this thigh workout at home, lie down on the mat, facing upwards, knees bent and feet apart at hip-width length – Get your feet together to let your legs take the shape of a diamond, which is your starting position – Lift your buttocks off the mat while squeezing your glutes, maintaining a straight line with your knees – Pause here for one or two seconds at the top – Next, lower your hips back down to the original position to complete one rep – This is one of the best leg exercises at home


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