5 Benefits Of Exfoliation

The Channel 46

5 Benefits Of Exfoliation

Our grandmothers still don’t know how and what sunscreen does, but we  never step out of the house without an SPF 50, right ladies? That’s how  much skincare has changed over the decades. Women back then applied ubtan to get smooth, tan-free skin and now we have all these fancy scrubs  available to choose from. We have started using various natural  ingredients such as coffee, green tea and even walnuts in the scrubs  that are available in the market. Women also use chemical scrubs for the  face. But one thing that has remained the same is the need to learn how  to exfoliate skin.

5 Benefits Of Exfoliation

– Scrubs exfoliate the skin and help shed dead skin cells, revealing smooth and glowing skin.

– Exfoliating helps remove the dead skin cells and other remaining  impurities. It also helps keep your complexion blemish-free and your  skin looking healthy.

– It helps peel off the dead skin, remove dullness from your skin, bringing your healthy glow back.

– Regular exfoliation helps stimulate collagen synthesis to improve  the skin’s texture, integrity, and keep the skin looking plump, tight,  and young.

– It helps other skincare products like serums and moisturisers penetrate deeper.

The Channel 46

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