5 Causes And Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha

5 Causes And Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha


I. Excessive Hunger And Thirst

Pitta dosha is related to the fire element and the imbalance causes digestive problems. This leads to increased hunger and thirst.

5 Causes And Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha


II. Fevers

A rise in body temperature and, that too, often is a sign of pitta imbalance. Remember, a fever is one way our body is trying to fight an ailment.

5 Causes And Symptoms Of Pitta Dosha


III. Burning Sensation

Pain during bowel movements is one of the most common signs of pitta problems. This, accompanied by a burning sensation, are the obvious symptoms of this issue.


IV. Inflammation And Sweating

A result of fire and water, pitta causes inflammation. And people who suffer from this dosha sweat profusely. Also, they emit a foul odour.


V. Craving Cold Food

If you are constantly craving cold drinks and foods, you might be experiencing pitta dosha. This happens because the body is trying to regulate its temperature and sends signals to your brain to consume something cold.


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