5 DIY Lip Scrub Recipes Fror Smooth, Plump Lips


1. Rose Petals & Milk Lip Scrub If you suffer from discolouration of lips then rose petals and milk are your best options. Rose petals help in naturally lightening the colour of your lips and cold milk helps in brightening.


2. Sugar & Honey Lip Scrub This homemade sugar lip scrub is by far the best to obtain soft lips. You can add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to take care of any sunburns as well.


3. Coffee & Honey Lip Scrub Coffee is not just suited in that cup which wakes you up every morning but also a secret weapon for your lips to exfoliate them thoroughly. Honey, on the other hand, helps in locking nourishment and moisture in your lips. In one word, this homemade lip scrub with honey is the best if you suffer from extremely dry and flaky lips.


4. Lemon & Sugar Lip Scrub You are aware that lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent and helps lighten skin tone. Remember to make sure that you use this homemade sugar lip scrub in the correct ratio with lemon juice to get effective results.


5. Orange Peel Lip Scrub In case you’re suffering from dark, flaky and discoloured lips all at the same time and you’re unable to find a proper solution, use this orange peel lip scrub made with sugar and see the difference yourself.


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