Shea butter is known for boosting skin moisture and helping fight breakouts. You can never go wrong with using this ingredient in a moisturizer.
Aloe vera is known as a moisturizer that nourishes dry skin but isn’t too oily. For effective results, you can use this moisturizer daily.
Glycerin is known for refreshing the skin’s surface by relieving dryness and increasing skin hydration. It also softens the skin and honey is a natural moisturizer, this combo is just great.
Make the best use of natural ingredients like apples and olive oil. Apples are packed with nutrients and vitamins while olive oil is loaded with hydration and antibacterial properties. All these properties make this a great DIY face moisturizer.
Well, now that’s one of my super favourite ingredients and secret moisturizer at home recipes specifically to curb the dryness out. Papaya makes your rough and flaky skin turn into a silky soft texture.