Contrary to the popular perception that you should totally avoid fatty foods to keep your body weight under check, you cannot be further away from the truth than this. The reality is that not all fats are bad for your health. There are some food sources of healthy fats or good fat sources that must be included into your daily diet because they are healthy fats that your body absolutely needs for some basic functions of your body and to control the onset of certain serious health concerns. On the other hand, there are unhealthy fats, which you have heard plenty about. These should be avoided as much as possible to prevent them from causing harm to your body.
1. Fatty Fish Oily fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, and herring are known for being richly packed with omega-3 fatty acids. They are foods high in healthy fat. Apart from helping you to pile up on healthy calories, they are also great for the health of your hair and skin. Do incorporate one or two servings of omega-3 rich fish varieties to maintain good health.
2. Olive Oil The oil of olive is by far one of the best oils that you can use to cook your food in or drizzle it over your salads. The better the quality of your oil, the healthier will be the food that you cook in it. Place your bets on extra virgin olive oil for receiving maximum health benefits of a rich source of fat. A tablespoon of olive oil is all it takes to pack 15 grams of healthy fats in your body.
3. Walnuts You must have heard a zillion times since childhood that nuts like walnuts develop and improve your brain function. But the list of its benefits is not restricted to just that. These nuts are powered with the goodness of omega-3 fatty acids that are a pro at improving the functioning of your blood and also lowering your bad cholesterol levels
4. Peanut Butter It would be safe to say that the yummy peanut butter is everyone’s favourite. The good news is that, unlike most delectable foods that prove to be unhealthy for you, this one is an exception. It is enriched with the goodness of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.
5. Avocados Avocados are one of the food items rich in fats that offers just the right kind of calories to your body. So, you can definitely include one avocado a day in your daily diet, be it for your breakfast or meals or even as a snack.