5 Food Groups You Need To Add To Your Daily Diet


1. Dairy

The foods in this group are excellent sources of calcium, which is essential for strong and healthy bones. Not many other foods in our diet contain as much calcium as these foods. They’re an excellent source of bone-building calcium, vitamin D, and protein, but go for the low-fat or fat-free versions of milk, yoghurt, and cheese


2. Fruits

Fruit provides vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and many phytonutrients (nutrients naturally present in plants), that help your body stay healthy. Here are some tasty ways to add these nutritious foods to your family’s daily diet: – Add sliced bananas or blueberries to morning cereal


3. Grains  

Always choose wholegrain and/or high fibre varieties of bread, cereals, rice, pasta, and noodles. Refined grain products (such as cakes or biscuits) can be high in added sugar, fat, and sodium. At least half the grains that you and your family consume should be whole grains.


4. Lean Proteins  

Our bodies use the protein we eat to make specialised chemicals such as haemoglobin and adrenaline. Protein also builds, maintains, and repairs the tissues in our body. Muscles and organs (such as your heart) are primarily made of protein. You can add meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans to your diet.


5. Vegetables, Legumes & Beans  

Vegetables should make up a large part of your daily diet plan and should be encouraged at every meal (including snack times). They provide vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, daily recommended carbs, and phytonutrients (nutrients naturally present in plants) to help your body stay healthy.


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