5 Important Benefits Of Jowar

5 Important Benefits Of Jowar


1. Better Source Of Fibre

5 Important Benefits Of Jowar


All millets generally are a good source of fibre, so jowar is no exception. Fibre helps in the regulation of blood glucose levels, blood pressure and also aids in digestion.

2. Good For Diabetics

5 Important Benefits Of Jowar


Jowar has a glycemic index of 62 which is a moderate GI but as Jowar is a good source of fibre, there is a reduction in glucose levels seen. Jowar is also digested slowly, which can reduce a sudden surge in glucose levels.

3. Aids In Weight Loss And Digestion


The fibre content in Jowar helps in achieving satiety leading to lesser consumption of foods rich in fat. Fibre also helps in the growth of good microflora and thus helps reduce digestive issues.

To know about the health benefits of wheat & jowar, click on Learn More below