The Channel 46

5 Laws In India That Support Women's Independence

The Nagpur bench of the Bombay High Court stated in a significant ruling that a married woman’s desire to work after marriage cannot  be considered to be an act of cruelty towards her husband and  dissertation of the marital relationship. However, there is nothing new  about the ruling here. Section 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955  clearly defines the same. The Division Bench of A.S. Chandurkar and  Urmila Joshi Phalke only reiterated the law that is an integral part of  the Constitution of India.

All women, irrespective of their financial status, can approach Supreme Court Legal Aid seeking free legal services. You then have to  submit the necessary documents, which will be vetted by the legal aid  department on the basis of its merit. If the department believes that  your complaint should be taken ahead after their evaluation, you will be  eligible for free legal assistance for your case.

Streedhan refers to the voluntary gifts received by a bride at the  time of her marriage or after the occasion. It is vastly different from  dowry, which is purely and entirely based on coercion. The Indian  Constitution makes it clear that the sole and absolute right to the streedhan lies with the woman.

The Allahabad High Court recently stated that there is no law in the country that prohibits unwed couples from living together. In such a  situation, both have the right to walk out of it whenever they wish to  do so, as the right to life and liberty is a basic fundamental right for  all the citizens.

To ensure that children born out of wedlock are eligible for the same  rights as those born out of a marital relationship, the law of the land  maintains that it is not mandatory for a birth certificate to have a  father’s name. However, the law also aims at protecting single,  unmarried women from the shame of giving birth, ensuring their right to  live life as they want.

The Channel 46

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