5 Possible Situations Where You Can Opt For Egg Freezing & Embryo Freezing


If you are still in your twenties or early thirties and harbour a desire to get pregnant, though not in the near future, but you are worried that your fertility may decline in the years to come, then you can consider novel medical procedures like Egg Freezing or Embryo Freezing.


1. You have a health condition that can affect your fertility Such conditions can include sickle cell anaemia, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, or gynaecological cancers, endometriosis, etc. which can drastically bring down your chances of conception occurring naturally.


2. You have to opt for treatment for any disease that can affect your fertility Medical conditions like cancer can affect your ability to reproduce. Certain medical treatments that patients undergo during cancer treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy can adversely impact your fertility. In such cases, you would want to freeze your eggs in either fertilised or unfertilised form for later use.


3. You are opting for in-vitro fertilisation When you opt for an IVF procedure, egg retrieval is part of the process. Many couples want to ensure that the retrieved egg is healthy and thus, opt for egg or embryo freezing in a healthy reproductive age, so that when they would like pregnancy to occur later in life, there are better chances of a successful pregnancy.


4. You have healthy eggs The most obvious situation where a woman would like to opt for egg freezing or embryo freezing with the intent to conceive in the future is when she has healthy eggs. Egg freezing is a way to ensure that the egg that is to be fertilised is healthy. Many women do not want to get pregnant early in their life and this process allows them to freeze their good quality eggs for future use.


5. You have a poor egg reserve When you have poor egg reserve, you can opt for pooling of eggs or embryos for use at a later date.


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