The Channel 46

5 Simple Yoga Poses To Reduce Belly Fat

Struggling with your New Year’s resolution to eliminate belly fat? Well, you’re not alone! If you’re unable to find time to fit a gym workout, a Zumba class, or an early-morning run into your daily schedule, you can try ​yoga for belly fat ​reduction. Yoga gives you strength, flexibility, and mind-body awareness minus the extra stress on your joints. Here is an effective routine that uses ​yoga to reduce belly fat​. Combine it with a healthy diet, and you shall see results soon. Now, ditch the excuses, and try ​yoga at home​.

1. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana) This pose (asana) strengthens the abdominal muscles and is great for your arms and legs as well. Here’s how to do it: 1. Lie face down 2. Lift your body up onto straightened arms 3. Balance on your toes 4. Facedown or forward 5. Hold this pose for as long as you can Take a break and then repeat a few more times while extending the time in this pose.

2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) This therapeutic pose is great for your lungs, arms, and torso. Follow these steps: 1. Start by lying face down 2. Spread your arms on the floor 3. Stretch your legs back and slowly lift up your upper body 4. Align your pelvic bone and toes to form a straight line while touching the floor 5. Hold this position for 30 seconds

3. Camel Pose (Ustrasana) Boost up your energy by bending back into Camel Pose. You need to: 1. Kneel on the floor 2. Arch your back slowly 3. Touch your heels with your hands 4. Hold this for 30 to 60 seconds

4. Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana) This is an intense stretching pose. How to perform: 1. Sit with your feet straight in front of you 2. Exhale as you stretch your body towards your feet 3. Hug your feet with your hands and hold for one minute It is recommended that you perform this after Sukahasana or Padmasana.

5. Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana) Let’s strengthen your abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat with this exercise. This is how you do it: 1. Lay down on your back 2. Straighten and lift your legs 3. Slowly lift your body 4. Stretch your arms forward to form the sides of a boat and hold

The Channel 46

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